Is this cheating 2


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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If everyone had to play the same amount of qualifiers and thus put their handicap on the line then it wouldn't be fair.

The difference between these two is one is protecting from coming down a whole heap of shots. The second is avoiding no more than a handful of 0.1s at worst.


Assistant Pro
Jul 29, 2013
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What rule is that......I've played over 30 Q rounds already this year. Was up to six now back to 5. I could play 10 more before winter, if I don't what rule am I breaking.

I don’t think I said that by not playing again he is breaking the rules, I’ve said that by avoiding playing to keep his handicap at its current level, then It would against the rules as surely that would be classed as manipulation.

I’m not sure why your 30 q rounds and a possible 10 more make any difference as your not asking others about avoiding the remaining 10 to maintain your current handicap status.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Unless as some have stated he denies someone else the opportunity.
What’s the difference between this guy missing qualifiers at the end of the season and the other guy in the middle of the season.
Both are looking at their season goals and how to achieve them.

But by getting to 5 he has earned the right to play in it.

You don't get to Cat1 without a fair bit of hard work, diligence and playing a lot. If somehow I got to Cat1 and got myself into a Cat1 comp, I sure as hell would make sure I played in it whatever that took as it might turn out to be the only time I get the opportunity,

Deleted member 16999

But by getting to 5 he has earned the right to play in it.

You don't get to Cat1 without a fair bit of hard work, diligence and playing a lot. If somehow I got to Cat1 and got myself into a Cat1 comp, I sure as hell would make sure I played in it whatever that took as it might turn out to be the only time I get the opportunity,
What about my post to the op were I congratulated him and recognised his hard work.
Now ignoring the OP, if someone is maintaining a Cat 1 handicap for vanity you are saying it’s ok for him to play no qualifiers and risk cat 2 because he deserves to stay Cat 1, no it’s not, it’s handicap manipulation and is against all that’s good in Golf, some may even say it’s cheating.
One last question, you reach Cat 1 in May and you’ve played 3 qualifiers, now wish to play in Cat 1 events the following year.
Is it OK to play no qualifiers for the remainder of the season?


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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What about my post to the op were I congratulated him and recognised his hard work.
Now ignoring the OP, if someone is maintaining a Cat 1 handicap for vanity you are saying it’s ok for him to play no qualifiers and risk cat 2 because he deserves to stay Cat 1, no it’s not, it’s handicap manipulation and is against all that’s good in Golf, some may even say it’s cheating.
One last question, you reach Cat 1 in May and you’ve played 3 qualifiers, now wish to play in Cat 1 events the following year.
Is it OK to play no qualifiers for the remainder of the season?

But TBH, if you were protecting your handicap that much, you would be out of Cat 1 within a couple of games anyway, so not like you can stay at cat 1 without playing. not to mention scraping in at 5 you are not going to make many scratch/ elite comps anyway

Deleted member 16999

But TBH, if you were protecting your handicap that much, you would be out of Cat 1 within a couple of games anyway, so not like you can stay at cat 1 without playing. not to mention scraping in at 5 you are not going to make many scratch/ elite comps anyway
I’m not the one stating “I sure as hell would make sure I played in it whatever that took as it might turn out to be the only time I get the opportunity,”
The op has done what most of us only dream of, but AS OTHERS stated, if he is purposely missing qualifiers to protect his handicap, then it’s against the spirit of the game.


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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I’m not the one stating “I sure as hell would make sure I played in it whatever that took as it might turn out to be the only time I get the opportunity,”
The op has done what most of us only dream of, but AS OTHERS stated, if he is purposely missing qualifiers to protect his handicap, then it’s against the spirit of the game.

but who says you have to play every qual comp going you only have to play 3 in the current system, so you only need to do that end of.
I'm sure if the OP knew for def he could cut his handicap in half for the last few comps he would jump at the chance (unlike the other tread) but its not that easy to get loads of shots off once you reach cat 1 after all you only get cut 0.1 for every shot under CSS and go up the same. if you don't want to risk all your hard work over the year for a couple of meaningless end of year comps.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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If handicap manipulation is cheating the n what's the difference here? Sorry you can't rip someone in one thread but turn a blind eye in another.
This is right imo.
It could be you get into a comp before another player that has kept his hcap up to date, not protected it for that specific purpose.
While I would not call it cheating it dosnt sit right.


Medal Winner
Feb 16, 2013
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astonished this could be considered cheating. I might not play a comp for a month is that cheating ? I may play 39 comps this year and 4 next ! What difference does it make ? It’s crazy to think someone must defend his recent dip into cat 1 at every opportunity in order to prove himself worthy of entering a cat 1 only comp. some seem to protest to much me thinks

Doon frae Troon

Ryder Cup Winner
Mar 5, 2012
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In golf, sometimes you are the only one who knows if you are cheating or playing fair.

The fact that the OP has posted his query is enough for me.
He has a doubt so he should do what he considers to be the right thing.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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My mate wouldn't enter a couple of comps a few weeks ago as he had an attack of the unmentionables.

Should he have been dragged kicking and screaming to the first tee and a card thrust into his hand?

Was he cheating by avoiding the certain 0.1s coming his way playing like that?

Deleted member 15344

People are missing the point - the OP is avoiding playing Q comps so that he can keep his HC low to allow him to enter a Comp that if his HC went higher he wouldn’t be allowed to enter - its not the same as not playing because you have the shanks or because you don’t have time etc etc etc- it’s attempting to keep a low HC for a purpose , it’s called Handicap Manipulation


Tour Rookie
Jun 29, 2017
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Tough one. A few very low players I know are very selective over what events they play. They select mostly ranking events etc and those where CSS always goes⬆ They see no point in playing run of the mill monthly stablefords...


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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My mate wouldn't enter a couple of comps a few weeks ago as he had an attack of the unmentionables.

Should he have been dragged kicking and screaming to the first tee and a card thrust into his hand?

Was he cheating by avoiding the certain 0.1s coming his way playing like that?

This is exactly where I am.

I am struggling to contain a recurrence of the unmentionables - but I can still at times contain them and post a good score.

I could have gone out this evening and handed in a supplementary card, and I could do so tomorrow, Thursday and Friday evenings. And I might well post a score under my handicap and that would see me cut fro 8.5 to 8.4 - so from 9 to 8. That I am choosing to not go out and take out a supplementary at the risk of getting cut before the weekend is that a bad thing? Am I cheating? It's the opposite side of the coin posted by the OP. He doesn't want to go up - I don't want to go down - mostly as my general play doesn't merit a cut in my struggle.

I feel that I need all the shots that I can get at the moment as the unmentionables sure do use up, very rapidly, the not very many that I have :(

IMO if the OP plays most of his club's qualifiers then he is embracing his handicap and the spirit of handicapping. If he was avoiding playing for months on end with no real reason apparent then that would be another matter.
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Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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By definition its handicap manipulation. completely at the other end of the scale to someone manipulating it up to gain an advantage.

In this case I wouldn't have a problem someone missing a comp or two to qualify for a certain future comp.


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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Cheating? Of course it isn't!

No-one is obliged to play golf and anyone can enter, or not enter, any competitions as they choose. The OP has obviously played in a lot of Q comps to get to Cat 1. He's played well more than the necessary 3 to maintain a valid handicap and if he wants to not enter more in the immediate future then that's his choice.

The only thing is that after all his hard work to get to where his is, he may be doing himself a disservice by not playing more Q's & going lower, but that's entirely up to him.

If l was in the position of possibly losing out on a place in a prestigious comp, (if only !!) then I'd do exactly the same.

Deleted member 15344


Yep to keep a vanity HC that they can no longer play to and ensure they can enter these comps whilst other miss out. Thankfully it will all stop when the WHS comes into place. It will remove a good number of Cat 1 who no longer play to it and hand pick events


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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Nowt wrong with taking a break, instead of playing comps week in week out it might be time to play a friendly knock or practice to play to your new low handicap.

In the end playing competative golf is the best route to better golf BUT its also a surefire route to sapping all the fun out the game if your just making up numbers week in week out and compounding issues instead of fixing them.

Come back to competition golf with a bang after getting better, invest in lessons/practice/friendly rounds, whatever suits your fancy.