Irons going left


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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my draw comes from 3 faults,

* swing plane to flat meaning im coming from the inside hitting out across the ball,
* strong left hand on the grip.

Ive been advised to try and make sure i can only see 2 knuckles on my top hand to weeken the grip, and also work on take away ensuring i keep the club straighter for longer

A good drill was to put three balls in a diagonal row and try to focus on the middle one, if you come in flat(or from the inside)you will hit then inside ball which in turn will take all 3 balls out, such an easy drill for a check point. by doing this drill it normally tells me if my draw is coming from a strong grip holding the clubface closed at impact, or from poor swing plane.

I should add ive turned the club face in these pics to show the directing of the swing path, but obviously your club face would be square at impact.

image 1 - what is believed to be square at impact with an on plane swing.


image 2 - coming from the inside or a flat swing plane - notice the heel of the club online to take out the inner ball.
*sorry for this pic, this was done quickly using a phone... oh and a putter because clubs are in the car ;) )


Image 3 - an out to in swing plane - this would give a left to right ball flight or fade.


Are you trying to out do TimyGolf. How far are you hitting your putter these days? :confused::eek::D:eek:oo:


Global Moderator
Nov 17, 2011
Newtownards, Co. Down, N.I.
I've noticed recently that my irons and hybrid are on a right to left trajectory. They start out nice but then drift off to the left. Any ideas on what to look out for while I try and get a video up? I was at the range yesterday and my irons are normally ok but all were doing this yesterday, would of filmed it then but only had my 8 yr old with me and gave up after a couple attempts with missing heads and swings etc!!

I was doing this myself recently and sometimes a very bad hook.
The bad hook was due to a strong right hand which was easily fixed by myself.
The shot you describe sounds identical to what i was doing and I got a lesson with the pro and was cured within 5 minutes. I wasn't keeping my head still.
When I say still I mean feel that your ear keeps pointing straight down and your head doesn't tilt. It is natural for your head to move on a horizontal plane but if it tilts (for me to the left) it causes my body to collapse slightly which then stopped me from getting my hips moving from right to left correctly and transferring my weight on the downswing. Basically causing me to get trapped on the downswing.
BUT that was in MY swing. Once corrected it was amazing at the feeling of freedom and ease to make a swing and the subsequent power that comes from that.

Perhaps I am wrong here but some are talking about the draw and seem to be confusing it with the hook. To my best understanding a draw starts going out to the right and then comes back to the left again, pretty much finishing where you are aiming, whereas a hook starts out straight towards the target and then starts to turn left towards the end. The more severe form of this being a snap hook which I had from a strong right hand.


Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Go see your local Pro for gods sake. Main causes of hitting it left are this:
Too much hand release
Coming over the top on the downswing
Weak right hand on the grip
Trying to hit the ball too hard
Not having your body aligned correctly at address
Ball too far forward on your stance
Out to in swing path
Club head closed at address
Lots of reasons but no one really knows what your doing without standing there watching you swing


Tour Rookie
Aug 6, 2007
Croydon, Surrey
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No offence mate but that's total rubbish.

Evesdad, make sure you are turning your hips properly on the downswing. Check your grip hasn't moved a little too far round to the right of the handle.

No offence taken!

But without seeing, making a grip change is likely to be less comfortable and more awkward than simply getting ahead of the ball to prevent the club flipping over IMO. All I am offering is a quick fix to get around the course prior to getting to the root cause.

We know that the root cause could be a number of things.




Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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After saying it wasn't my hips, it may just be!! Had a little practice session in the garden and just wasn't feeling it and noticed a few times I was all arms!


Tour Winner
Aug 22, 2010
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Well after getting to the course early to warm up and hit the range my round started well! Great drive, prob best of the day! Pw onto green, 2 putts equals par. Smashing. Unfortunately that was the high point of the front nine! Just couldn't get anything going. Back nine was a different story and shot a best of 45 and 20 points!