Iron club head speed


Assistant Pro
Feb 9, 2018
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Could be, I’ve always done weights and still do though - squating as much as ever. ?‍♂️

Whilst squatting is great and I wouldn't encourage anyone to stop doing it, moving a big weight slowly doesn't correlate to swingspeed (moving a small object quickly) in golf - I wish it did, I'd be up there with Bryson!
How far can you throw things or jump? Any decline in this area would correlate more to loss of power generation causing loss of distance in golf. If no decline it's more likely to be something technical in the swing as others have mentioned.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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If you are trying to hit it hard you may be leaving the club head behind in your transition.
If the club head dosnt catch up by impact you will lose speed.
Do you push the ball a lot or what’s your shot shape.?
Might just be you have self diagnosed and got it a bit wrong.
You wouldn’t be the first!!
Try hitting your 7 iron 150yds by trying different things except swinging faster.
Leaving the head behind can make you steep at impact this puts a lot of spin on the ball and big divots.
A lesson and different pair of eyes will see the problem, and be well worth it.
It will give you something to work on.
I too have been struggling with distance of such as my 7i - being out-distanced by 15-20yds by many. My Pro pointed out a correction I had to make with my stance (hands were too far back). That pointed out I twigged that what I was doing meant that I was accelerating the clubhead 'past' my hands (it probably wasn't but that's how it feels) - so as I got into the 'strike-zone' I was losing the legs-hips-arms-hands connectivity I had built up in the backswing - that being poor as well due to the hand position at address - resulting in a weak and poor strike - and poor distance.

By simply adjusting my address position by pushing hands further forward - I am getting much better connectivity in the back swing and a more coherent downswing - with much better connectivity being maintained through the strike - with clubhead catching up with hands rather than getting to the ball before them.

Well that's what it feels like.

And then came lockdown - so still not sure if what I 'twigged' is real or imagined.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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I too have been struggling with distance of such as my 7i - being out-distanced by 15-20yds by many. My Pro pointed out a correction I had to make with my stance (hands were too far back). That pointed out I twigged that what I was doing meant that I was accelerating the clubhead 'past' my hands (it probably wasn't but that's how it feels) - so as I got into the 'strike-zone' I was losing the legs-hips-arms-hands connectivity I had built up in the backswing - that being poor as well due to the hand position at address - resulting in a weak and poor strike - and poor distance.

By simply adjusting my address position by pushing hands further forward - I am getting much better connectivity in the back swing and a more coherent downswing - with much better connectivity being maintained through the strike - with clubhead catching up with hands rather than getting to the ball before them.

Well that's what it feels like.

And then came lockdown - so still not sure if what I 'twigged' is real or imagined.
Sounds like you have early extension.
This loses you clubhead speed and gives you the feeling your clubhead is past the ball.
You should not have full extension until slightly after impact.
Some very good you tube vids on this.
It’s very hard to see without a recording of your swing .


Oct 26, 2020
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I too have been struggling with distance of such as my 7i - being out-distanced by 15-20yds by many. My Pro pointed out a correction I had to make with my stance (hands were too far back). That pointed out I twigged that what I was doing meant that I was accelerating the clubhead 'past' my hands (it probably wasn't but that's how it feels) - so as I got into the 'strike-zone' I was losing the legs-hips-arms-hands connectivity I had built up in the backswing - that being poor as well due to the hand position at address - resulting in a weak and poor strike - and poor distance.

By simply adjusting my address position by pushing hands further forward - I am getting much better connectivity in the back swing and a more coherent downswing - with much better connectivity being maintained through the strike - with clubhead catching up with hands rather than getting to the ball before them.

Well that's what it feels like.

And then came lockdown - so still not sure if what I 'twigged' is real or imagined.

Other than that it may just be that you were throwing the club too early.

If my ball striking ever goes off I always concentrate on throwing the club as late as possible to the target, this gets me more open and with proper shaft lean at impact.

The beauty of this is that even if my address is off this feeling will still give me good impact conditions. Then I can tweak my aim based on what shot I'm producing on the range.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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This is probably the reason.
If you're not doing any weight/speed training, you will already be getting weaker and slower without realising.

I think maybe technique rather than strength. Shouldn't have lost much at 47yrs.
You are describing my situation. My best swings -used to hit 150 with 9 iron on a still day.
Now it's a 6 iron. But I am late seventies.
The swing speeds you have described are capable of being increased with better techniques. A good Pro should do it.