Improving strike


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Oct 26, 2019
Oop North
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The longer story...

I took the club to the range after work today. I bought 50 balls, and used 25 to warm up with my Wilson 7 iron.

I then hit 20 with the Mizuno...

The first, I knifed it a good 150 yards... not great.

A few more practice swings, and another try and... oh my Lord! So that’s why people like blades! I caught it as plumb as I’ve ever caught an iron, and it flew beautifully, just a couple of yards shorter than my 7 iron.

Over the rest of the shots, the distance increased about ten yards, for all but two shots. Those two I caught toward the heel. Not a lot, and I probably wouldn’t even have felt it with the cavities, but with the blade, they were both quite heavily pulled, and lost a good 20 yards.

All except those two (and the first knifed shot), were remarkably straight, with just the slightest hint of left to right movement.

So now I see what people are going on about: there really is nothing like catching a decent iron bang on... But even a little off centre, and you’re way off target.

The last 5 balls I went back to my Wilson 7i. I can’t say for sure that the strike on these did benefit from coming off the back of the blade, but I hit them well. But then, today was one of the best days I’ve had for striking the ball in quite a while.

I’m sure this was a lot of beginners luck. I don’t usually hit my cavaties anywhere near as well as I hit the blade today. Tomorrow will almost certainly be a different story.

But it felt so amazing, and watching the ball fly like it did was so enthralling, I’ve found a 6i in the same shaft for £20... just in case I have another day like today sometime ?