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Immovable Obstruction or play it as it lies


May 10, 2017
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We have a natural hedgerow running inbetween 2 fairways about 30ft long. Last year one of the volunteers at the course decided to use up some excess sandstone and placed the small sandstone blocks on the small bank that the hedgerow grows out of and it looks a bit like a wall now. He done a good job and it looks much better however it has been brought into question now about is this a man made immovable obstruction that you receive free relief from if its interfering with your swing / stance. Im in the opinion that its a "Play it as it lies" as are a good few others but there are as many who think free relief should be given (as would be expected). Thought I would let the experts on here guide me to a Rule if possible


Head Pro
Sep 2, 2015
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For clarity, the Club Committee should decide and publicize whether it is an immovable obstruction or an integral part of the course (no free relief). Imo, it should be integral.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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I am inclined to agree with rulie. As the original hedge did not afford free relief, this structure should not provide free relief as it is only an 'adornment' not a fundamental change to the design of the course..


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Sandstone blocks - question- artificially shaped or naturally hewn?

If the latter then I would say loose impediment if just placed there in a single row.

I do agree with the point that the committee should make a decision and publish it.

If I was playing as a visitor and there was no such ruling I would treat it as an immovable obstruction because I do not know the history.
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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2020
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To be clear, if there is no local rule declaring these blocks to be integral then they are an obstruction. Committee is free to choose, but if they want integral they have to announce that via local rule or the default arrangement (obstruction, relief available) applies.

Colin L

Tour Winner
May 26, 2012
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Sandstone blocks - question- artificially shaped or naturally hewn?

If the latter then I would say loose impediment if just placed there in a single row.

I do agree with the point that the committee should make a decision and publish it.

If I was playing a visitor and there was no such ruling I would treat it as an immovable obstruction because I do not know the history.

I'd suggest that even if the stones are in their natural shape, the fact that they are deliberately put in a position to be some kind of wall means that they are an obstruction. In a more obvious way, a dry stone dyke is an obstruction even though it is entirely made up of loose, natural stones.


May 10, 2017
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The blocks are roughly building brick size and naturally hewn and were just sort of placed by the hedge to make it look a bit nicer and to save trailing them all the way to the greens sheds to dispose of. It looks much better but our thoughts were that the hedgreow was in play before this so leave it as it was. Obviously some members were wanting free drops. We will probably leave it as integral part of the course and publish it and take whatever we get of a certain few
Thanks again


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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The blocks are roughly building brick size and naturally hewn and were just sort of placed by the hedge to make it look a bit nicer and to save trailing them all the way to the greens sheds to dispose of. It looks much better but our thoughts were that the hedgreow was in play before this so leave it as it was. Obviously some members were wanting free drops. We will probably leave it as integral part of the course and publish it and take whatever we get of a certain few
Thanks again
I don't think anything can be hewn naturally ;)


May 10, 2017
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The blocks are roughly building brick size and naturally hewn and were just sort of placed by the hedge to make it look a bit nicer and to save trailing them all the way to the greens sheds to dispose of. It looks much better but our thoughts were that the hedgreow was in play before this so leave it as it was. Obviously some members were wanting free drops. We will probably leave it as integral part of the course and publish it and take whatever we get of a certain few
Good point.
??? I meant worn but thanks