I was this close...


Tour Winner
Oct 3, 2007
Morning All,
I was waliking down the fairway with my step son knowing I had hit a cracker. As we where walking down I noticed the players on the next fairway staring at the green we where walking to, and I thouht "damn that must be close" and close it was....


from over this hill past the trees..


So I got my first Eagle this morning :D

EDIT: Just put my scores in and I am 0.4 away from my season target what a round.
Thats dam awesome.

Hope you shouted your son lunch after a shot like that!
Well done mate, I am with you on the bitter/sweet side of this as I have done exactly the same on our opening hole.

Be proud of it, that is an excellent shot and certainly one to remember, even better that you got a photo for the memories!
Which hole was it? I remember turning a potential 76 into a freaky 80 thanks to the 9th at Roundhay.....I seem to have nightmares about tight driving through some trees???
It was only a short par 4 about 245. I did buy him a bacon buttie after the round!

Wow that is a short par 4, but who cares. An eagle good work! What club did you hit? Driver or 3 wood?
Which hole was it? I remember turning a potential 76 into a freaky 80 thanks to the 9th at Roundhay.....I seem to have nightmares about tight driving through some trees???

It was the 8th, but you are right the 9th is about 260 and there is a gap of about 10-15 yards to get the ball through the trees grrr below is the infamous 9th!!


Wow that is a short par 4, but who cares. An eagle good work! What club did you hit? Driver or 3 wood?

Driver, I am not a big driver usually but I did over driver the 6th on Saturday, I cleared the hedge at 260!! lol
I was under the impression a parr 4 was any hole over 250 yards.

the 5th at the Brailsford is 245 & is a parr 3. A bloomin' long way, especially as its uphill all the way & the hole curves round to the right & obscured by some rather tall pines on the hole. And with OOB being all the way down the left narrowing to the hole & behind the hole, not worth trying for the narrow two terred green in one.

Having said this I've hit 3 wood into the first green there to 10 feetlevel with the hole when playing off the yellows (276). Ended up having to appologise to the chaps holing out as my 3 wood was intended to be a layup for a short chip on.

But whether an official parr3 or parr4 Congrats Parmo, hope you have loads more eagles, birdies & throw in that hole in one next time..
By the look of the pic its downhill to the green and at only 245yds is a strange hole to qualify as a par 4 but that doesnt take away anything from your achievement as it looks awkward enough so well done.
Parmo, is this the 8th at roundhay? I have played there a few times for the tigers team a couple of years back. o/t, if you ever fancy a game one weekend at either roundhay or lofthouse( my course, not the best I know but a good set of members) just pm me. Well done by the way eagles are always nice