I’ve forgotten how to get out of a bunker!


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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I’d typically get out first time 19/20 times and heading towards the general direction of the flag

Last two rounds have been terrible for bunker shots and I don’t know what's changed. I took 3 to get out of one last week and a double on Saturday (as well as shooting them across the green into the opposite bunker and when they do come out they’re way long

My posture, ball position and alignment are the same so it’s definitely the swing (think I might be going too steep) or wrong point of entry/impact. The rest of my games pretty pleasing at the moment so quite frustrating

Being a high handicap I’ve never done the open stance/open clubface preferring square stance/face which has served me well so no point looking at the pro tuition vids for tips and no practice bunker near me to spend an hour in so just having a rant really unless anyone has tips/links for the squared approach?


Journeyman Pro
Aug 19, 2014
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Best getting a lesson mate as they will help you out probably within 30 minutes.... at least that's what happened with me.

I can still be streaky though some rounds every time some rounds takes 2 attempts


Global Moderator
Jun 9, 2009
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Prob best to get a lesson.

but the method i use is.

weight on the left, wide stance and strike the 2 inches behind the ball, but drive though to the left side. you also need to make sure your sternum is centered on the ball and does'nt sway off the ball. this get s me out of the deep pot bunkers at my place.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I’d typically get out first time 19/20 times and heading towards the general direction of the flag

Last two rounds have been terrible for bunker shots and I don’t know what's changed. I took 3 to get out of one last week and a double on Saturday (as well as shooting them across the green into the opposite bunker and when they do come out they’re way long

My posture, ball position and alignment are the same so it’s definitely the swing (think I might be going too steep) or wrong point of entry/impact. The rest of my games pretty pleasing at the moment so quite frustrating

Being a high handicap I’ve never done the open stance/open clubface preferring square stance/face which has served me well so no point looking at the pro tuition vids for tips and no practice bunker near me to spend an hour in so just having a rant really unless anyone has tips/links for the squared approach?

given shot results, either left in or ways over, the low point of the swing arc is changing so either ways too much sand or virtually no sand

thing that has these changes the most is lateral sway onto the trailside goin back

given the square method been used would find center of stance and that's where you want the 'entry' point of the club to be into sand so ball 2" forwards of that
so weight set-up around 55%/50% but keep that through the backswing don't transfer weight to trailside as the club goes back there's no need to and that tends to encourage a sway off of ball

no lateral sway during back swing off the ball, but turn the chest to move the club to 3/4's so hands shoulder high, swing right the ways through to hands just above shoulder high, imagine under the ball in the sand is a tee and you want to snap that tee under the ball in two doin this will help give positive smooth force accel through the shots to full finish

even though you use square method would advise with that method just opening the face of the sand wedge a tad as if you get a tad steep the little ways open face will still help some to utilize the bounce and you should still get out but get a ways steep with a square face (speaking to norm not buried lies in sand) the club will real dig in and the ball likely stays in the sand
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Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Are you sure its you.

With all the rain the bunkers on my course are very much firmer making it hard to get the club through the sand.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
The Stan Utley method works for me. Square stance, square club face, wide stance with knees very bent & hands very low. Lean slightly towards the hole. Aim for the ball & the club just slides under the ball using the club's bounce & out it pops.


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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I struggled for ages, might come out,might not etc

I had a lesson and the pro said everything was really good, grip, setup, stance etc etc but, crucially I wasn't turning through impact - it's made a huge diffence and I've come out of ever bunker first time since. I still need to get a bit more distance control but, in my case, it was such a simple swing fault that 10 mini ute into a lesson put right


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Cheers for the comments guys, much appreciated

Also realised I was being a bit thick yesterday, I may not have a practice bunker nearby but there is a 2km long beach about a minute walk from the house!
So I think i'll head down there early one morning this weekend with a bag of balls before the tourists rock up and I should find a cure with the tips above and some trial & error


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Cheers for the comments guys, much appreciated

Also realised I was being a bit thick yesterday, I may not have a practice bunker nearby but there is a 2km long beach about a minute walk from the house!
So I think i'll head down there early one morning this weekend with a bag of balls before the tourists rock up and I should find a cure with the tips above and some trial & error

2km long? I guarantee you'll stay in the bunker!! :lol: