HowDidiDo Issue


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Feb 12, 2019
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Hey all, hopefully someone here can help because I have been having a nightmare. I have emailed HDID around 15 times over the past several months, recieved one reply which was completely useless.

I am a member of two clubs, one in England, one in Scotland. Scotland club used one email address, then England used a different, once I realised the mistake, I swapped the England one to match the Scottish one.

My handicap updates on the England club, and I get emails sent to the email address I no longer use for that club from HDID, however because the email is different, my Scottish club never gets its handicap updated. So now when I log into the HDID app, it shows my hcap index of 5.5 which my Scottish club holds, and 6.3 which is my England club.

When my partner searched to add me on HDID it shows two different profiles on the Scottish club, one with the correct index, and one with the old one. This is causing a lot of issues during comps etc.

HDID said it’s because my two profiles have different handicap numbers, they don’t which I did tell them. I also mentioned when I try to log in with the email that does get updated, it says no account exists.

Does anybody here have anyway to contact them and actually get a response, or have any idea how I could fix this?

Much appreciated.

*Sorry if it’s confusing.


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Feb 21, 2013
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Have you
a) involved the h'cap secs at both clubs? The clubs have the contract with V1
b) checked what is on the WHS system itself?


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Feb 12, 2019
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Have you
a) involved the h'cap secs at both clubs? The clubs have the contract with V1
b) checked what is on the WHS system itself?

A) I have indeed, when the Scotland one (which is the one that shows the incorrect index) contacted them, they said they can see it shows the correct index, the issue being every night it reverts my away club to my home club and brings in the incorrect index. If I manually change it each day, then when the Scotland club check my index, it shows correctly. As the England course shows correctly, they can’t see any issue.
B) on the WHS the correct index shows.

Not sure if A makes sense, it’s just frustrating everyday it automatically reverts to my Scotland club being classed as my home and an incorrect index showing, so whenever they check the index it is incorrect, unless I manually go into the app and change them from home back to away.

* I think I’m just doomed haha


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Dec 3, 2020
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Hey all, hopefully someone here can help because I have been having a nightmare. I have emailed HDID around 15 times over the past several months, recieved one reply which was completely useless.

I am a member of two clubs, one in England, one in Scotland. Scotland club used one email address, then England used a different, once I realised the mistake, I swapped the England one to match the Scottish one.

My handicap updates on the England club, and I get emails sent to the email address I no longer use for that club from HDID, however because the email is different, my Scottish club never gets its handicap updated. So now when I log into the HDID app, it shows my hcap index of 5.5 which my Scottish club holds, and 6.3 which is my England club.

When my partner searched to add me on HDID it shows two different profiles on the Scottish club, one with the correct index, and one with the old one. This is causing a lot of issues during comps etc.

HDID said it’s because my two profiles have different handicap numbers, they don’t which I did tell them. I also mentioned when I try to log in with the email that does get updated, it says no account exists.

Does anybody here have anyway to contact them and actually get a response, or have any idea how I could fix this?

Much appreciated.

*Sorry if it’s confusing.
Is your "home club" set correctly in HDID, i.e. to your club in England? (This is done through "my profile")

Also, does your Scottish club even use ClubV1/HDID any more? Almost all clubs in Scotland are now using OCS VMS (edit: VMS added for clarity), so it maybe they are looking at a different system when checking your handicap.
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Feb 12, 2019
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Is that in your Scottish club's HDID or on WHS

If I change in on HDID (though today I realised while it then shows my correct index on the homepage of HDID, if I go into the handicap list for the Scottish club, it shows the incorrect index) so turns out what I thought was a solution wasn’t, it was just a visual.


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Feb 12, 2019
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Is your "home club" set correctly in HDID, i.e. to your club in England? (This is done through "my profile")

Also, does your Scottish club even use ClubV1/HDID any more? Almost all clubs in Scotland are now using OCS, so it maybe they are looking at a different system when checking your handicap.

Yes, my England club is set as my home, and my Scottish club is set as my away, though everyday it resets and has them both as my home? They are still using HDID. Never heard of OCS


Well-known member
Dec 3, 2020
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Yes, my England club is set as my home, and my Scottish club is set as my away, though everyday it resets and has them both as my home? They are still using HDID. Never heard of OCS
As part of the transition to WHS, Scottish Golf chose OCS as their software provider to run the main WHS/CDH database (England, Wales and Ireland all chose dotgolf). Scotland also did a deal to provide software (OCS VMS) to all member clubs free of charge in order to manage membership, competitions and handicapping; and the Scottish Golf app for golfers. As a result, very few clubs have continued to use and pay for 3rd party software to do the same job.


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Dec 3, 2020
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If I change in on HDID (though today I realised while it then shows my correct index on the homepage of HDID, if I go into the handicap list for the Scottish club, it shows the incorrect index) so turns out what I thought was a solution wasn’t, it was just a visual.
There are not many reasons I can think of for this happening: a) your Scottish club is no longer using ClubV1/HDID; b) the handicap list isn't being synchronised from WHS/published from ClubV1; or c) your CDH is incorrect in HDID so your account is associated with a different handicap record.

Banchory Buddha

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Jun 10, 2021
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As part of the transition to WHS, Scottish Golf chose OCS as their software provider to run the main WHS/CDH database (England, Wales and Ireland all chose dotgolf). Scotland also did a deal to provide software (OCS VMS) to all member clubs free of charge in order to manage membership, competitions and handicapping; and the Scottish Golf app for golfers. As a result, very few clubs have continued to use and pay for 3rd party software to do the same job.
We're one of the clubs that's switched (unfortunately, it's dreadful), but from playing around locally, the clear majority are still using Club V1/HDID or Masterscoreboard along with tee booking software like BRS. Have you seen stats for VMS take up?


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Feb 12, 2019
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There are not many reasons I can think of for this happening: a) your Scottish club is no longer using ClubV1/HDID; b) the handicap list isn't being synchronised from WHS/published from ClubV1; or c) your CDH is incorrect in HDID so your account is associated with a different handicap record.

Thanks for the reply.
a) I decided to contact the Scottish club, as I was certain they still did (I have yet to play a club in the local area that don’t use ClubV1 or BRS. They confirmed they are still using ClubV1 as their software.
B) not sure how I would check this
C) I have checked, and the index listed on HDID is correct.

During my call with the Scottish club they said “we will refresh your handicap now as it doesn’t seem to have been updated in awhile) This now has now fixed the index on HDID?? Which has me even more confused, I explained the situation to them and they said they will chase it up again with HDID.

Never heard of having to refresh my handicap? Thought it would automatically update


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Feb 5, 2021
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Check what email the clubs have for you - the system is less buggy when you use the same email for club, HDID and England Golf app

EDIT - just realised how old the OP post was!! Good reason for people to start new threads for new posts!!!