Hitting ground with woods on the tee.....


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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From the tee mainly with driver which ive started to use alot more alot of my drives im hitting the floor first...

Im connecting with the floor 4/5 inches behind the ball sometimes even more which gives me a low flight and still get decent distance and straight (most of the time)but need to try and get out of it and start taking the ball first...

Ive tried putting wait onto front foot,tried hovvering the club head but still regularly hitting the floor.

Any help or ideas as to what i may be doing wrong very much appreciated and if any more info is needed ie about my swing etc will tr to explain..



Nov 16, 2011
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I've certainly had my fair share!

Do you tee it high enough? And try to launch it high/hit up on it?

Or wellie it a bit more than normal?

I normally use Pink Tees and have a fairly flat swing. For one I want to get high, I use a Grey tee, but occasionally stay too far behind the ball at impact and a drop-kick happens!

If I get the timing wrong on a normal Drive and (what little) hip rotation is late, a bounce can happen too!


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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It's most likely because your head is getting in front of the ball before impact so you're hitting down instead of "sweeping" the ball off the tee. Lean more to the right to get the weight more on to your right leg


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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To be honest i tee the ball fairly low..

The reason being is i was using white tees and the ball was coming off high up on the club face even wen i wasnt hitting the ground so at moment im teeing up same height as yellow tee and the ball is coming off the middle of the face..

I did think i may be teeing up to low but even so i still shouldnt be hitting 4+inches behind the ball and ive stopped having slight tilt of the spine thinkin i could be dropping my right shoulder,prob thinkin into it to much :eek:


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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It's most likely because your head is getting in front of the ball before impact so you're hitting down instead of "sweeping" the ball off the tee. Lean more to the right to get the weight more on to your right leg

Oooooh ive been doing the opposite setting up straight and trying to slightly put more weight onto the left side.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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Oooooh ive been doing the opposite setting up straight and trying to slightly put more weight onto the left side.

Well assuming you are a r/h golfer you want about 60% of your weight on your right (or rear foot). At impact, head should be behind the ball and hands should be in front. This will enable you to hit up with the driver to help provide a high launch, low spinning shot for maximum distance. Also make sure the ball is opposite the left heel at address.


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
It's most likely because your head is getting in front of the ball before impact so you're hitting down instead of "sweeping" the ball off the tee. Lean more to the right to get the weight more on to your right leg

Is it the most likely???

Moving the weight to the left side moves the swings 'low point' forwards so you'd be less likely to hit 5 inches behind the ball if you do that.

It does however sound like you tee the ball too low and then probably try to hit UP on the ball somewhat (try to help it into the air) rather than 'sweep' it off the tee with a swing that's fairly level thru the impact area.


Tour Winner
May 13, 2011
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To be honest i tee the ball fairly low..

The reason being is i was using white tees and the ball was coming off high up on the club face even wen i wasnt hitting the ground so at moment im teeing up same height as yellow tee and the ball is coming off the middle of the face..

Yep mate, sounds TO ME you're hitting down on the ball. Wouldn't be surprised if you have a few nasty marks on the top of your club and struggle with short but high drives.

Try addressing the ball with what you feel is 70% of your weight on the inside of your right foot. If you're used to having more weight on your front foot at address, the likelihood is that what FEELS like 70% is actually only 60% or even 55%.

However, don't listen to me if everyone else contradicts me. I don't even have a driver in the bag anymore hahahahaha.


Nov 16, 2011
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Well assuming you are a r/h golfer you want about 60% of your weight on your right (or rear foot). At impact, head should be behind the ball and hands should be in front. This will enable you to hit up with the driver to help provide a high launch, low spinning shot for maximum distance. Also make sure the ball is opposite the left heel at address.

I don't like this at all!

I'm trying to imagine the contortions involved in swinging through the ball with the hands ahead of the ball, head behind it and weight mainly on the back foot!:confused:

Seems like a recipe for disaster to me!

I'm with JO one the likely cause. Of course, a Pro will be able to spot it immediately!
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Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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I don't like this at all!

I'm trying to imagine the contortions involved in swinging through the ball with the hands ahead of the ball, head behind it and weight mainly on the back foot!:confused:

Seems like a recipe for disaster to me!

I'm with JO one the likely cause. Of course, a Pro will be able to spot it immediately!

I'm talking about at address. Obviously when he is swinging the weight is moving through the swing, but at impact his hands should be ahead of the ball and his head behind


Nov 16, 2011
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I'm talking about at address. Obviously when he is swinging the weight is moving through the swing, but at impact his hands should be ahead of the ball and his head behind

That's slightly more like it. Though I still don't like the initial weight distribution!. A tiny amount might be justified, but 60% seems too much!


Tour Winner
Sep 10, 2009
Selby, North Yorkshire
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I'd sign up for 60% of my weight on my right side at impact. I'm trying to at all times, with my woods at least, to try and hang back and keep my weight on my right hand side.
It really helps me to clear my hips and not throw the club at the top and aid me bringing it back down on/inside plane.


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 27, 2012
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Thx for all replies and help some good pointers that i will take away and try...

Got to get confident of using taller tee as im guessing this will aid with any changes i make,i may book a couple lessons with pro might be easier to see and understand;)

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Personally when I start to transfer my weight in the downswing, I don't really want to be stopping it, slice city for me.

Here's Charl Schwartzel at impact:


You'll probably need to click to enlarge the image, but, if anything I would say he has the bulk of his weight moving forward and is probably 60% if not more on his front foot.

His right heel is off the floor so the bulk of his weight definitely isn't on his rear foot through impact.


Journeyman Pro
Sep 7, 2012
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Personally when I start to transfer my weight in the downswing, I don't really want to be stopping it, slice city for me.

Here's Charl Schwartzel at impact:

View attachment 6770

You'll probably need to click to enlarge the image, but, if anything I would say he has the bulk of his weight moving forward and is probably 60% if not more on his front foot.

His right heel is off the floor so the bulk of his weight definitely isn't on his rear foot through impact.

I concur. I was talking about at address. Ball level with front foot heel, wide stance, leaning to the right with weight about 60% on that side. As you start your swing, weight is on your right and then starts to transfer through your body at impact keeping hands ahead of the ball and head behind.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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That's slightly more like it. Though I still don't like the initial weight distribution!. A tiny amount might be justified, but 60% seems too much!

I would suggest 60% on the right at address, at impact your head should still be behind the ball with your weight transferring to the front foot. This gives the 'C' shape look as shown in some of the attached pictures of pros, the hands fairly level with the clubhead at impact. You should now be able to sweep the ball upwards to create a high ball flight with low spin that creates more of a rainbow shape flight rather than a high spin parabolic flight that drops to ground as the high spin drops off.


Head Pro
Apr 6, 2011
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Simple thought - are you certain you have your left arm straight at take away?

If not, takeaway with slightly bent arm and attack the ball with a, now, straight arm .... Guess what? You hit behind the ball!

Maybe too simplistic.