Hitting a shot into staked area


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Sep 10, 2019
North West, UK
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can I retake the shot from same position (1 stroke penalty) or do I HAVE to take a drop at point of entry into the hazard?

do I have a choice?

Yellow staked area by the way.
can I retake the shot from same position (1 stroke penalty) or do I HAVE to take a drop at point of entry into the hazard?

do I have a choice?

Yellow staked area by the way.
Yes, you always have the choice of taking Stroke & Distance (ie a penalty with loss of original distance). This is in addition to any other penalty drop relevant to the colour of the stakes or playing the ball as it lies (if physically possible)

Incidentally, you may always take S&D at any time from any where on the course for whatever reason.
First of all thanks Rulefan for your replies in the rules section.
So, if I’m 100yrs from the green and I pitch into a horrendous pot bunker I can take my shot again using the stroke & distance rule ?
Absolutely yes!
As RF stated, you ALWAYS have the option of S&D from any situation. That's in addition to any options that may be relevant to any specific situation.
And there is now a new rule (19.3b) for a ball in a tricky bunker, deemed unplayable (by the player). You may go 'back on a line' and drop behind the bunker for a penalty of 2 strokes.
It may be worth it if you have just creamed your drive into a near greenside bunker when you are unlikely to hit that far again but can chip over the bunker with a chance of a 4.