Hip rotation in downswing


Club Champion
Jul 10, 2014
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Had my lesson tonight and my pro said the improvement in my swing and ball striking is brilliant and I am in a totally different place to where I was eight weeks ago when I had my first lesson.

The one thing I am struggling with and can't seem to grasp is my hip rotation at the start of my downswing. I can't seem to be able to do the initial movement at the start of the downswing so my hips aren't rotatating early enough.

I hope that makes sense. I know it will probably click at some point but for some reason it just is not going in. Any ideas? he has given me some things to try but just asking for opinions and if anyone else had this problem when starting out.

One Planer

Global Moderator
Feb 11, 2011
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Try pausing at the top of your back swing.

When there keep your arms passive and feel your lower body start first.

Start slow and gradually build up your speed.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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ok good. left heel, along with weight on the inside the left foot, great place to be.

then good thought to have from the top - is left heel to right toe (more right toe pad) as the first thing that happens in the downswing at transition, as all good swing motions start from the ground up.

then feel that someone behind has hold of your right pants front pocket & is just pulling it straight back towards them. or alternatively someone in front of you is pushing your right hip straight back.

or you have a note case (wallet) in your right back pants pocket which moves/rotates to trialside so away from target.

if you have some room outside & some garden furniture put the chair back an inch or so from your right hip (may some slow mo swings to make sure the chair isn't going to get hit -it shouldn't but check) then with the chair there you can see & feel how when the weight goes to right toe you just find the hip up to but not pushing away (if pushing away there's too much lateral motion to target) the chair back then how you need to turn inside that chair line.

if no chair but stand bag, you can set up bag so head covers of metal & driver is about an inch away from your right butt & level with the edge of your right hip behind you. make some slow mo swings first off feeling that your right hip, right glute turn to brush the headcovers.

(am sure the thoughts your Pro has given you are good to go with though)
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Club Champion
Jul 10, 2014
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So am I right in saying that the weight transfer at the beginning between the feet are what causes the bump that is needed?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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yep, it's a more a downwards pressure, for you, (LH) right big toe pad into the ground.

so not a ways big lateral move of the lower body upper body's 'mass' towards target.
get a big forwards hip slide going & it takes the ankle, knee, hip joints out of line then a ways impossible to turn the right hip to clear good.

it's weight into the lead foot plus the lead hip clearing that's essential to allow the hands to lead a forwards leaning shaft to get the low point of the swings arc forwards of the ball - so solid contact, ball first ground second.