High cholesterol thread


Journeyman Pro
Jul 13, 2012
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Just been called in for a GP appointment after my 65 yr health check.
Was flagged up having blood cholesterol level of 5.99, HDL 0.94, total /ratio 6.4, so was sent for fasting bloods.
Guessing he'll discuss the results.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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Got zapped about 8 months ago for cholesterol.....I was 6.0. They wanted to put me on statins right off the bat.....I refused and spent 3 months cutting out the cheese and potato chips....cut the number to 5.5......damn, not enough. Let them put me on statins and that worked and dropped me right down to 4.2 WHILE eating cheese etc......also probably caused me to have tinnitus issues as a side effect. Tried a different statin. Finally said to heck with it and told them I was stopping the statins and I'll stop the cheese and potato chips again and also a few other things like frozen pizza's and chocolate. If I was willing to cut the beer out as well it would help more. I get plenty of exercise, I just eat too much and too much other junk food.....would do me good to drop the beer as well and I'd likely lose 10lbs. Cholesterol health issues don't really run in the family and since I exercise a fair bit one Dr said he probably wouldn't be taking them either in my case. The Dr's/nurses tend not to dig in to the details when they talk to you about the cholesterol.....it's just a quick "put them on statins" decision.


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2021
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With a fanatically healthy diet, I went from 6.1 in 2016 to 4.8 in 2019.
It's still on the high side and I wasn't all that impressed considering the changes I made, but apparently that was beyond what can normally be done with dietary changes alone.
Your baseline number is largely genetically programmed, unfortunately. MrsA, for example, tortures me by consuming butter, hard cheese, full fat milk, red meat and biscuits for both of us but weighs a hair over 8st and hardly registers any low density cholesterol when she's had blood tests.
Good luck with whatever you try. If you're a bit creative in the kitchen it's not that hard to change to healthier options.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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I dunno how I managed it but everytime I get checked (need regular checks for My meds) my cholesterol is very low and good cholesterol is a good level

I eat awfully, I put it down to not drinking any alcohol


Major Champion
Sep 22, 2009
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Following my recent heart attack I was later put on a cardiac exercise programme to aid recovery. My cholesterol level was about 3.7, I commented also that hardly anyone there has high cholesterol levels. The explanation was that blood is sticky, so something sticks to it, something else sticks to that and then possibly some calcium sticks to that and boom! you're gone. Heart attacks don't pick and choose their targets.

I would also say that I was on statins for a short while, but when I dipped below 4 I said that I'd rather not take them, after the heart attack one of my doctors said that, had I not stopped taking them, I might not have had the heart attack !!


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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I'll repeat my previous post.
I've been on Simvistatin, Atorvastatin, Ezetimibe, and another I can't remember it's name.
After 3/4 weeks of taking them the pains in my lower legs / shins became unbearable.
Eventually my heart specialist prescribed Bempedoic 180mg tablets.
Seemingly they work in the liver in a different way than statins.
My cholesterol went from 5.7 down to 2.0.
After almost 2 years I still haven't any side effects, fingers crossed.


Tour Rookie
Dec 3, 2014
East Lothian
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I just don't get people who ignore doctors advice (especially that of a heart specialist).
Taking statins and having a slight risk of a side effect won't kill you.
Having a heart attack can and can also affect your long term quality of life if your heart muscle has been damaged.


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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I just don't get people who ignore doctors advice (especially that of a heart specialist).
Taking statins and having a slight risk of a side effect won't kill you.
Having a heart attack can and can also affect your long term quality of life if your heart muscle has been damaged.
I agree entirely. You get side effects with most medication. I know I'd rather live with them than suffer the alternative!
I lost one of my brothers in his early fifties. He suffered a stroke first and then after a year or so had a massive heart attack in his local pub. He certainly lived life to the full and didn't go anywhere near a doctor. As a family we all were advised to have a cholesterol check due to familial high cholesterol. He ignored it, his choice and I remember he once said to me, "I don't want to live into old age".


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2024
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I just don't get people who ignore doctors advice (especially that of a heart specialist).
Taking statins and having a slight risk of a side effect won't kill you.
Having a heart attack can and can also affect your long term quality of life if your heart muscle has been damaged.
I’m on statins due to family history and, at the time, raised cholesterol, no issues, no side effects at all, all good.

However, after suffering a stroke my wife was prescribed with statins and thankfully they were stopped before she started taking them as the possible side effects of them could kill her due to other medical conditions she has.

Sometimes, side effects are more than “a slight risk”

On a more positive note, there is now an injection for cholesterol than can be administered quarterly, there is a certain criteria you have to meet to get access to it, unfortunately the wife failed that criteria as well.


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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I received a letter form surgery this week .
It contained all the different levels.
The first line's note said their was no need to contact my surgery.

There then followed a whole bunch of readings turned over the page the following day and there was a whole spiel about to how reduce mine because one reading was 21% when less that 20% was acceptable.
It also included a paragraph about considering statins. I have known other problems which statins might make worse.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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Side effect. I don't consider tinnitus to be slight. I won't die from it, but the constant high pitched whine is anything but slight. I modified my diet instead.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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My Cholesterol level was 4.6, my Doctor suggested I take statins due to my age, he said that although my level wasn't high it was best to get it as low as possible. My level is now 3.2 and I have a rather low carb diet and eat a fair amount of things like hard cheese, meats etc.

I've read various papers by experts on the subject and there is some varied thinking on whether cholesterol is harmful and especially in older age, triglycerides are another component that cause blocked arteries, they can be genetic and are mainly generated in the liver.
I still take a statin but I'm not fully convinced they are beneficial to me.
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Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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My Cholesterol level was 4.6, my Doctor suggested I take statins due to my age, he said that although my level wasn't high it was best to get it as low as possible. My level is now 3.2 and I have a rather low carb diet and eat a fair amount of things like hard cheese, meats etc.

I've read various expert papers by experts on the subject and there is some varied thinking on whether cholesterol is harmful and especially in older age, triglycerides are another component that cause blocked arteries, they can be genetic and are mainly generated in the liver.
I still take a statin but I'm not fully convinced they are beneficial to me.
The automatic answer when you go to your surgery is to put you on statins if things are even a little bit high. No talk about trying to modify your diet.....just "here, take these drugs". No further questions on whether there are family genetic issues, or whether you exercise etc etc. Statins might be your answer.....they might not. I had a follow up call from a doctor when I was trying the second statin (Rosuvastatin).....he actually talked to me and after I described my lack of family history for heart issues, and my exercising all my life, and that I was giving up some of the fatty crap I usually eat......he actually stated that if he was in my position he probably wouldn't take them either.


Tour Winner
Jan 24, 2014
South Shields
My Cholesterol level was 4.6, my Doctor suggested I take statins due to my age, he said that although my level wasn't high it was best to get it as low as possible. My level is now 3.2 and I have a rather low carb diet and eat a fair amount of things like hard cheese, meats etc.

I've read various papers by experts on the subject and there is some varied thinking on whether cholesterol is harmful and especially in older age, triglycerides are another component that cause blocked arteries, they can be genetic and are mainly generated in the liver.
I still take a statin but I'm not fully convinced they are beneficial to me.
This is ridiculous. According to what I've read there is, apparently, evidence that low cholesterol is just as undesirable as high. Cholesterol is in every cell in the body & is essential for the repair & maintenance of tissue. Some experts also believe that there is evidence that women with high cholesterol live longer. I would suggest that your GP hasn't conducted enough research into the circumstances, if any, where statins are likely to be beneficial.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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This is ridiculous. According to what I've read there is, apparently, evidence that low cholesterol is just as undesirable as high. Cholesterol is in every cell in the body & is essential for the repair & maintenance of tissue. Some experts also believe that there is evidence that women with high cholesterol live longer. I would suggest that your GP hasn't conducted enough research into the circumstances, if any, where statins are likely to be beneficial.
From what I've seen over the last few years....I don't think anybody really knows what good statins do. They certainly reduce the cholesterol that they measure.....the side effects? In 10 years they may know most things...at this time I'd rather just stop eating fatty foods. I kind of lump it in there with BMI....it kind of works for an "average" person.....although it considers a body builder to be obese.


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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People have been taking stations for a long time.
And....things may turn out ok. How many other examples similar have turned out not so well? I'm just not willing to believe anything that the health community tries to sell me. Why should I take statins....when I can just stop eating fatty foods? Why prescribe statins when a diet change will work? Why, do they not push a diet change instead of getting off your a$$ and eating better? Now.....if my diet changes don't work, fair enough. I'll live with statins, but it's a really lazy way to deal with cholesterol to just go the drug way. That's....well....the American medical way.