High ball flight


Challenge Tour Pro
Jan 17, 2015
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I have always had a high ball flight with all my clubs. Sometimes they fall out of the sky with snow on they go that high and I need to fix this problem. I have changed my swing plane so it is less steep and I have also strengthened my grip as well as shifting my weight slightly more to my left to ensure I do not lean back on shots. I even bought some bridgestone e7 balls for a more "lower penetrating ball flight"Anybody have any suggestions ?


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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here's part of a previous post on another thread that has a deal of bearing to what you are looking for at strike.
for the kind of contact you want (bar the driver) to have the result you want traj-wise. essential weight firmly on the lead leg hip cleared hands lead a forwards leaning shaft, period, this has to be a given it's non-negotiable.

"couple things have to happen for this to be accomplished. downswing transition has to start from ground up weight into the left side & left hip has to clear, head stays back of ball.

as well as path the other condition that's important is the AoA - so where the 'low point' is in the swings arc, couple inches target side of the ball. to get this hands have to lead a forwards leaning shaft again the same things in the swing motion have to take place - downswing transition has to start from ground up weight into the left side & left hip has to clear, head stays back of ball.

good ways to feel all of this is the pre-set impact drill. so again weight is left, left hip is cleared, left arm flat left wrist/hand lead a forward leaning shaft head back of ball. (first time folks do this they often say that the arms/hands/club unit feel more 'infront' (so more to the left target side of center) than they ever have & the hip more cleared & more weight is on the left leg)
from this pre-set position you make a 3/4 backswing (arms connected to turn, when turn stops so do the arms & club so no overswing) feel a beat atop the swing then weight into left side leads the downswing, right shoulder turns down not out, turn transports the arms, right elbow to front of right hip rotate through to finish.

other drill to feel low point by avoidance. is to place a flat bag towel 3" behind the ball at 90º to target line. only ways to avoid the towel & get solid strike is by meeting the impact conditions outlined above."
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