Help with my swing please.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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You have very little hip rotation in your down swing. This is part of the problem you have with an OTT swing.

Work on starting your downswing by turning your left hip back and then having your belt buckle pointing to the target just past impact.


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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that looks quite good. hard to know if you are taking the club back outside due to the camera angle. bobs your man for this!


Nov 16, 2011
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You also seem to have you balance on your heels at setup, then rock forward onto toe(s) during downswing.

With what Brian said, your right foot should end up with toe pointing much more towards target, still with heel off ground though.

At the mo, it's pretty armsy. and if you look at top of backswing, you'll see that club is pointing quite a bit right of target. Arm activity will probably settle a bit when the hips get more involved, but important to have club 'under control' at top because it affects balance so much. Stronger wrists (flatter left? tighter grip?) at that point might help - but pretty personal as to how it's achieved.

Get hips working and balance sorted out first though.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Any pointers or advice on the below swing would be much appreciated. Been playing about 10 months now I am trying to overcome my over the top swing. Used to be a terrible slicer and then began pulling everything left. Recently ive been abit straighter.


Ps: it's a six iron that goes about 160 yards with a proper ball.

Your biggest problem in my opinion is that you have a significant overswing. It dips below parallel at the top. If you were to slow your backswing and shorten it you will have much better control and consistency.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Ok quite a good swing for someone new to golf so well done so far.
As above, there are a few issues which you will have to fix if you want to improve further.
You say you had a slice and now its a hook. Has anyone given you any tips on how to fix your slice by changing your grip?
It's very dark and hard to see, but I suspect the grip is not quite neutral.
So, you say you are out to in which causes the slice and you are spot on.
Below you will see your position just after impact compared to Luke Donald.
Notice how his hands and club have extended downt the line to the target more than yours. You have pulled the club in towards you more.


You will also see the difference between his hips and right foot compared to yours.
This just shows what has been said already that your swing is a bit armsy with little lower half drive.
The biggy is the swing path though.
Fix that first and the lower body should follow.
I'll try and get down the range today and film a drill that may help you.
In the meantime you might like to try this one.

[video=youtube;KsrovFJ3o9I] index=4&feature=plcp[/video]


Tour Rookie
Jun 30, 2010
Rochester (Kent)
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The best and most simply way someone has told me to correct my grip was on your right hand the V between your thumb and index finger should point in the direction of running up your right arm and hold the club as if your walking a child across a road, just tight enough for it not to hurt them.

I hope that makes sense.


Club Champion
Nov 28, 2011
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Wow, that it is immense !! Thanks guys.

Brian: Little hip turn had been mentioned to me before. I compared my hip to turn to bobs swing in the vid above and there's no comparison. Will concentrate on starting the downswing with the hips, thanks.

Gary: looks like bobs got it covered!! thanks for help though.

Foxholer: I tend to be unbalanced at the end of the swing and rock back on my heels to regain balance. Should I be more in my toes throughout swing? I personally thought it look very armstrong as well.

Sawtooth: I managed to pause the vid at the top of the back swing and the club is well past parallel and right of target. Where should it be pointing?

Bob: Immense feedback, thanks! Is they idea of the drill to keep the club path down the line through impact? When I try to play a punch shot I feel my body shape is more like Donald's picture and the ball goes straight, is it the same principal? I have a couple of lessons and he picked up on my very strong grip immediately. I am very aware of it now and purposely now set up weak (think that's the right way round!) Could you suggest a drill to get my hips working first and keeping the cluc on plane?

Golfdub: the analogy makes perfect sense and I'll try at my next range session, thanks.


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Wow, that it is immense !! Thanks guys.

Sawtooth: I managed to pause the vid at the top of the back swing and the club is well past parallel and right of target. Where should it be pointing?


Should be parallel to your target line. IMO just shorten the backswing, slowing it down as well will help you achieve this because momentum will cause the club to continue back long after you think it has stopped.


Club Champion
Nov 28, 2011
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Should be parallel to your target line. IMO just shorten the backswing, slowing it down as well will help you achieve this because momentum will cause the club to continue back long after you think it has stopped.

I'll give a crack tomorrow, range session before 18 holes... Can't wait, thanks tom