HELP! Powakaddy charger is lying to me!


Journeyman Pro
May 18, 2009
Monmouthshire, UK via Guildford!
Got my trolley out this morning for the first time since November. Got to first tee, the battery was as dead as a dodo. (Powakaddy FW5)

I've had it on charge from time to time during the layoff... just got home (after pushing it for 18 holes :cry: ) and when I attached it to the charger, the "green light" saying "charged" came on after 10 seconds... so I assume it isn't currently charging up.

Any ideas?
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We are lucky in that one of the pro shops in Inverness is the local service centres for PC and MC. They have a guy that also does repair s. I'd look out your nearest pro shop that is a service dealer.
Should have bought a GoKart :whistle::whistle: :ROFLMAO:

Have you actually checked the battery itself for power? Tried it on someone elses trolley etc? If still no power, could be faulty charger/connector. If there is power, possibly a faulty connection somewhere in the trolley circuitry.
Battery is dead. Trolley is fine, did a swap on the course this morning.

The question is, when I plug in the charger, the green "charged" light comes on immediately, which is weird

I just wondered if any of the luminaries on here had come across similar.

I'll leave it will 6pm and give it a test... Looks like wife's trolley will be going to Ashburnham with me tomorrow morning!
Powakaddy suggests that you keep the battery on charge all of the time even when fully charged. My charger has always shown a green light initially when first plugging the charger in and then changes colour after a short while when charging.
Powakaddy suggests that you keep the battery on charge all of the time even when fully charged. My charger has always shown a green light initially when first plugging the charger in and then changes colour after a short while when charging.

They probably mean for the sort of average time between rounds. If you know you are not going to be using it for some time the advice is take it off charge and then charge at least once every four weeks.

Always worth reading the manual to check the sequence for the lights.
Sounds like the charger reading the battery and charged and stopping. Have you tried another charger on your battery?

Also, sounds crazy but did you defo turn the plug socket on? If the battery was charged but the socket wasn’t on it may have drained the battery
They probably mean for the sort of average time between rounds. If you know you are not going to be using it for some time the advice is take it off charge and then charge at least once every four weeks.

Always worth reading the manual to check the sequence for the lights.

Funnily enough, I have just re-read the manual that came with my battery and it states that the battery should be kept connected, but looking at the Powakaddy website it states that the battery should be disconnected when it is fully charged! (This might relate to some fires that occurred a wee while ago. I have now disconnected my battery from the charger!)
Thats a poss..haven't got another charger to test. Will have to borrow

Pretty sure the second thing hadn't happened

I’d also check the connecting between the charger and any points to the plug that goes into the wall. If that’s lose you may have got a false reading of charged
A similar thing happened with my Motocaddy this week. Got to the course … totally dead. Pushed it round and, when I got home and put the battery on charge, the green light came on in a minute. I put it back in the trolley and it worked. Worried that I have an intermittent fault, which would be a nightmare.
Switch it off, and back on again - if that doesn’t work it’s broken (up to date advice from our IT/tech support team every time we call them) Nothing else for it - new driver ??
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