Help - or at least some advice please


Challenge Tour Pro
Feb 28, 2008
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My 2 pennyworth below.

Grip :- Left hand looks ok-ish,Right hand way too strong.

Backswing :- Bit reverse pivotty,bit of a collapse all a bit weak.

Throughswing :- Actually looks ok given what went before and any issues there are aproduct of same.


Firstly,see a pro asap as there seems he has some good stuff to work with. Then commit to practising what he says!

Grip :- My best advice would be to get a training grip and stick it on an old/cheap 7 iron. The Leadbetter "swing setter" has a good one if you can find an example cheap or second hand.

Posture :- On the practice ground put a ball under the right side of your right foot. This will wedge that side in place and get you the feeling of coiling into your right side with your knee braced.

Hope the above helps,good golfing pal.


Tour Winner
Aug 19, 2007
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hapless.....I'm sure you'll get the photo thing. i.i.r.c. photobucket offers a number of options, I use the bottom of the three links.....and copy it with a right click, it says copied to clipboard but never is.

Short and sweet (or not sweet, actually) from me on this one.

If I played with your grip I'd never even finish one hole. Both hands are too strong and not by a margin. Also, look at where the clubface is pointing at the top of the swing. Not good. Forget the rest (albeit good comments) and re-assess from scratch with a more neutral grip. It'll be hell, but worth it in the long run.

Sorry mate.....I'm being cruel to be know how it is. These things creep in so imperceptibly that you don't even notice....I'm terrible at this (grip strengthening) and have to try extra hard to hold it better.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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With Dave on this (up to a point) and agree that the neutral grip has to be the starting point. However you need to avoind your samba on the teebox with your collapsing knee as this is stopping the correct turn and I suspect robbing you of distance.

A lesson with the pro to get the grip and leg action will be the best road for long term playability


Money List Winner
Aug 13, 2007
Middle Earth,
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hapless, nothing on the swing problem but to make things easier next time you post images, put them in a folder/album (as you have here), click on GRID (top left). The folder opens with all the images displayed and a url at bottom right. Enter this url (not the individual images) in your post and all the images will be accessible in one go.

note: this only works in photobucket. you may have to pay for more features for it to work in flikr.