Help! I've suddenly lost 20 yards?!


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I went to a top tracer range today, lost 10 yards off my wedges, 20 yards of other irons, the higher up the bag I went, the more I lost.

Went straight to a local course range finder in hand. 130 from the flag, pw reaches (was going 109 on the range), 145 is 9 iron distance, again zapped with range finder, landing on the green, perfect distance (was going 123 on the range)

Continued throughout the bag, and similar results. Not sure why I would be hitting it so much shorter on the range. (I’m pretty steep, so idk if that would cause it)
Range balls are normally around 80% distance compared to a proper ball.


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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I have got my distance back

56 is 80
52 is 90
PW is 110
9 is 120
8 is 130
And so on
100 is covered by taking a bit off a PW by gripping down on it, I try not to leave 100 in though.

Chris Ryan golf and my pro on his track man plus a visit to a Toptracer range to confirm the numbers all helped.


Nov 16, 2011
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Hi all.

I'm having a bit of a meltdown as I've suddenly lost 20ish yards off all my iron distances.

I've been to the range twice in the last week 6 days apart to check it wasn't a one off and no, I suddenly can't hit my 8 iron past 120 yards?!

Strangely, my dispersion is OK and it feels like I'm im mostly hitting the ball fairly nicely, its just not going the distance.

Has this ever happened to anyone before?!
Yep! But there's a physiological reason for me - inability to actually engage hips/legs (body still!(!!) recovering from (effects of) hip replacement) so swing is entirely arms/upper body.

Could be similar reason (though not cause) for you - lack of engagement of hips/legs. Make sure lower body is contributing sufficiently - 'trail' foot should be 'forced' onto toes and 'lead' one should feel as if is supporting body/preventing having to take a step - all without actually swaying. That's not a great description (sorry), but should get the general idea across. Ensure you transfer weight and 'turn' in the downswing is the abbreviated version!

Update: Coincidentally, just received this vid from Golfpass.
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