Help 4 Heroes Bearwood Lakes Charity Golf Day - Monday 21st September 2020

Once again Rich and his team came up with the goods.
A fantastic course in amazing condition and probably the most welcoming ladies your likely to come across.
I arrived at 7.20 and spent 10 minutes at the gate talking to a Greenkeeper who was just a pleasure to talk to.
Greeted in the car park by Sarah Jane who gave me enough sanitizer for all my four ball.
Coffee,bap and off to get my rake.
Down the range and just hit everything nice so was feeling ok.
Watch Kraxx and his group tee off then met mine Swingalot (our 3rd time in 4 years together,Diablo and Blakey and off we went.
Straight down the middle with the drive.
Unfortunately Simon(Blakey ) struggled, being a nomad and not playing much he had a tough day.
Is Swingalot a nomad lol always a pleasure playing a round with Rubert such a gentleman.
Diablo (Mat) a very solid 15 handicap and single figures is definitely not out of the question.
34 points for Mat and a costly 3 putt from 2ft.
I don’t think I’ve ever hit my driver and irons better ever,so many fairways and greens in reg,however 7x3 putts all inside 30ft absolutely destroyed what could have been.
Very nice food and 2 puddings fulfilled my day.
Thanks Rich always a pleasure never a chore.
What a day, what a Club!! Well done Rich.

I reckon I interacted with 9 Bearwood employees in total (or were the check-in ladies part of Rich’s Team?) and everyone gave the impression that it was a pleasure to serve us. The only exception being the halfway hut lady but only because we befuddled her with our constant order changes :)

Course stunning. DeanoMK (well done mate!!!) and Midnight were an absolute pleasure to play golf with and as for Michael Swain, our 4th player representing Battle Back, wow!! What an absolute honour to spend time with you on a golf course. Adjectives abound but I’ll go with humbling and inspiring. A double amputee, recipient of an MBE for his fundraising efforts, and he could smack a golf ball a lot further than me.

Offers of help with bunker raking and difficult lies etc. were declined with good grace and it was soon obvious, not required. Offered to buy him a momento from the pro shop afterwards and he replied a pint in the bar would do. Legend.

Guys like Michael are why you do it Rich. Hope you feel re-energized once you’re back hitting balls.
Quick summary of the day

We raised £8442.50 including gift aid for Help For Heroes.(y) Our running total is a tad under £140,000 which is a stunning figure. I think RickG would be very proud of the amount raised, and also that so many forumers have met up, played some golf, and had a good laugh on and off the course, the Rick way.(y)

Considering the circumstances this years figure is a fantastic total, and a big personal thank you to all those that contributed. (y)Without the usual support from GM, and not being able to have the usual money raising events on the day, like raffles, auction, Footjoy challenge etc, we were always going to be well down on previous years. We were very fortunate that Bearwood Lakes Golf Club could cater for 99 golfers, providing a stunning course and also some decent food (so I heard !) Very few clubs could have allowed such numbers in these Covid 19 times.

The GoKart Challenger trophy was won by DeanoMK on count back from Simonsmh, with Lilyhawk third also on count back. Traminator won the best gross prize, and the Liverpoolphil's mate, Al Pryke won the guest prize.

Liverpoolphil was awarded the RickG Memorial trophy, for his great support over many years. He does a lot behind the scenes that no one notices, and treating Rick and myself to a game at Royal Liverpool with Mike Harris had no influence on his award.:)

Apologies that Vicky and I couldn't be with you all this year, but quarantine rules are there to be obeyed, and everyones safety was ultimately the most important thing.

Quick summary of the day

We raised £8442.50 including gift aid for Help For Heroes.(y) Our running total is a tad under £140,000 which is a stunning figure. I think RickG would be very proud of the amount raised, and also that so many forumers have met up, played some golf, and had a good laugh on and off the course, the Rick way.(y)

Considering the circumstances this years figure is a fantastic total, and a big personal thank you to all those that contributed. (y)Without the usual support from GM, and not being able to have the usual money raising events on the day, like raffles, auction, Footjoy challenge etc, we were always going to be well down on previous years. We were very fortunate that Bearwood Lakes Golf Club could cater for 99 golfers, providing a stunning course and also some decent food (so I heard !) Very few clubs could have allowed such numbers in these Covid 19 times.

The GoKart Challenger trophy was won by DeanoMK on count back from Simonsmh, with Lilyhawk third also on count back. Traminator won the best gross prize, and the Liverpoolphil's mate, Al Pryke won the guest prize.

Liverpoolphil was awarded the RickG Memorial trophy, for his great support over many years. He does a lot behind the scenes that no one notices, and treating Rick and myself to a game at Royal Liverpool with Mike Harris had no influence on his award.:)

Apologies that Vicky and I couldn't be with you all this year, but quarantine rules are there to be obeyed, and everyones safety was ultimately the most important thing.


A very good effort given the circumstances.

I can’t wait for 2021’s venue to be announced
Excellent result and the usual fantastic support both from those on the day and also those people that couldn't attend but made a contribution of some sort.

Well done everyone and especially to those that gave up a lot of their time so the rest of us could have a great couple of days (y)
Whilst Rick's name is always mentioned (and rightly so) no one should forget the magnificent efforts of Richart, Vicky and a host of other helpers who, over the years, have raised this wonderful amount of money for H4H which has helped a good number of our forces heroes.