Hands up


Jan 8, 2012
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I had a video lesson back in October and I was told im an "Out to In" but I didnt understand what this meant.
To be honest I am still none the wiser and didnt think anything of it until seeing this thread. Is this a good or bad swing plane and what are the advantage/disadvantages?.

Ok for those who are not sure.

'In to out' and 'out to in' are phrases used to describe the path taken by the club head during the down swing. So, an 'out to in' swing means that the club head is travelling OUTside before contact with the ball and INside after contact with the ball.

So what does 'outside' and 'inside' actually mean?

Imagine you are stood directly behind the ball looking straight through to the target while Tiger is addressing the ball. The line from you - ball - target is called the target line. To the left of the target line is called 'INside' and to the right of the target line is called 'OUTside'.

When Tiger is about to make contact with the ball during his downswing, the club head should be coming from the LEFT of the target line (INside). As it makes contact with the ball, the club head will momentarily be exactly on the line (this is called straight). Immediately after hitting the ball, the club head comes back to the left (INside). This is how a neutral golf swing should be.....'in to in'.

It maybe difficult to imagine at first, that anyone hits the ball from the 'outside' but, I can assure you that they do. Some players try to come back 'straight' which causes all sorts of issues.

As for the pros and cons of an 'out to in' swing. It has it's problems as does any other type of swing. You might be prone to pulls and fades, and losing distance at times.

Hope I haven't confused you too much!!!


Jan 8, 2012
Visit site
What's Tiger got to do with anything (Not Tiger on here)?

Isn't copy and paste great :thup:

Sorry, didn't realise there was a 'Tiger' on here. Nowt to do with him.

If you knew where that lot was written down, you should have posted a link. It would have saved me typing it all!

It is all my own work I'm afraid.
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