Handicap question


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Apr 13, 2019
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Please someone help me as I can’t find an answer, to even my club section knows.

I left my previous golf club 2 years ago, due to illness when I left my handicap was 23.7c. I’ve just rejoined a different club after this 2 year layoff! Please tell me? The club I’ve joined is one I left to go to my old one.

1. Do I still have a handicap?

2. Do I need to do 54 holes to reassss my handicap and then enter 3 qualifying comps in order to get the little c back?

3. Or do I just need to reinstate my handicap?

3. Can any of this be set aside due to why I haven’t played... medical reasons?

I would be so grateful for a direct answer. I’ve read the CONGU handicapping section so many times and I still can’t get it.



The Grinder Of Pars (Semi Crocked)
Mar 15, 2008
Aylesbury Bucks
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Welcome to the Forum.
There are better qualified to answer than me but I suspect you'll need to do 54 holes to get your handicap back. Your committee should take into account your old number too.


Tour Winner
Feb 21, 2013
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You should be put into you new club's system with your original CDH Lifetime ID and you will be restored with your last recorded handicap.
If you provide your new club with your recent playing (if any) and medical history they may well adjust that allocation to something more realistic.
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duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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I am at a slight loss as to what's driven Rulefan's response; unless he's jumping ahead of the due process? I'm sure he will explain.

Dealing with your specific questions

1. No
2. Yes you will need to submit 54 holes. No, you don't then need to do anything further to obtain a (c) status....it comes with the allocation.
3. You can't, you don't have one.
3. The handicap committee should take into account your previous handicap history and any associated medical information together with your 54 holes when making their allocation.
They should use your old CDH number.

The basis for this is contained in the following clause -

26.1 A CONGU® Handicap is lost when a player ceases to be a Member of an Affiliated Club. When a player resigns from a club and joins another there is often a time interval between the two memberships. If the handicap of a player is to be restored within twelve months of the date on which his handicap was lost, or suspended, it must be reinstated at the same handicap the player last held. In restoring the handicap of a player whose ‘c’ status handicap has been lost in such circumstances that ‘c’ status shall remain valid for the remainder of the calendar year of resignation and for the full following calendar year. In all other cases the player shall be allotted a new handicap after he has complied with the requirements of Clause 16.

The relevant information from your post was that -
You left your last Club 2 years ago and ceased membership.

Whilst the handicap committee may well conclude that your previous handicap represents an appropriate allocation I don't believe they have the power to make such an allocation without the submission of 54 holes. The only possible confusion here might be that in exception circumstances they may have permitted the retention of your (c) status that would have otherwise been lost (note 1 to clause 25); but none of that is relevant here on the basis of what was posted.