H4H Hankley - justgiving 2023


Major Champion
Aug 20, 2009
Visit site
The justgiving site is now up and running.(y)www.justgiving.com/golfmonthlyforumhfh2023

If you click on the above or the link in my signature you will get through to site.

Donation is £25 plus gift aid if you are a UK tax payer. Please note that this is just a donation, so please do not add words such as deposit, payment etc, as gift aid will get taken away. If you don't play on the day for any reason I will not be able to refund this donation.

If I could get all donations made by those on the players thread by the end of April, that would be great. You don't of course have to be playing to make a donation.;)

You do not need to advise me you have made a donation, as justgiving keep me informed of all donations. It would be helpful if you could include your forum name on the donation, as I am not sure of all your real names.

Any queries please drop me a pm.
