Grip issues


Dec 14, 2019
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Hi all

Since lockdown has lifted my game has gone from bad to worse to almost embarrassing! Having real grip issues, something I’ve struggled with off and on during my golf playing.

Basically the club never really feels secure so I’m constantly fiddling with it and during the swing it either feels way too tight or so loose that the club is clearly moving around. I’ve strengthened and weakened the left hand and had mixed results but nothing long lasting. I also have what I think is the onset of arthritis in my left little finger and left index finger, right hand is ok for now.

I look at other people’s grips and they seem so natural and secure right through the swing but mine never has done. I’ve got above average sized hands (large palms, average sized fingers), wear an XL glove and have midsize grips on all my clubs having been fitted/measured. I’ve watched grip videos and read about the grip until I’m blue in the face but nothing seems right for me.

Anyone else have this kind of problem? Anyone know any sure fire solutions? I’ve been for lessons in the past but these have often done more damage than good and I struggle with anxiety quite a bit with people I don’t know especially when there’s an element of being judged/assessed.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I’m seriously thinking of stopping playing. Something similar happened when I first played about 15 years ago which resulted in me not playing for 12 years until the middle of last year. I play off 18 but that’s mainly down to the short game and feel I could get so much lower!

Thanks ??


Well-known member
Apr 30, 2020
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Frustrations.....I got em. I've walked off the course a few of times ( I never hear the end of that). I'm one of those guys who doesn't deal with total worthless golf very well.....I'm better than I used to be. I was an overlap grip person until a few years ago. Arthritis in my left index finger (right hand was over that knuckle) got me switched to interlocking. Most of a year ago I switched to the baseball grip and I don't think I will be going back.....I may though.....I tinker constantly. The ten finger grip allows me to go weak or strong grips pretty easily.....but the key to me is that the club feels a lot more solid in the grip with the baseball grip. With the other grips I feel the club moving around a bit more (I have small hands, using mid-size grips).

Sure fire solutions? You gotta be kidding me. If anybody had that they would be rich.'s what I like about golf.....that constant battle of thinking I've got it.....then a week later....I don't. I like the battle. It's one I'm never going to win.

When in doubt these are always my rules when things go kaput........1. Short (really short) easy swing. 2. Weight up the front side of the stance.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Hi all

Since lockdown has lifted my game has gone from bad to worse to almost embarrassing! Having real grip issues, something I’ve struggled with off and on during my golf playing.

Basically the club never really feels secure so I’m constantly fiddling with it and during the swing it either feels way too tight or so loose that the club is clearly moving around. I’ve strengthened and weakened the left hand and had mixed results but nothing long lasting. I also have what I think is the onset of arthritis in my left little finger and left index finger, right hand is ok for now.

I look at other people’s grips and they seem so natural and secure right through the swing but mine never has done. I’ve got above average sized hands (large palms, average sized fingers), wear an XL glove and have midsize grips on all my clubs having been fitted/measured. I’ve watched grip videos and read about the grip until I’m blue in the face but nothing seems right for me.

Anyone else have this kind of problem? Anyone know any sure fire solutions? I’ve been for lessons in the past but these have often done more damage than good and I struggle with anxiety quite a bit with people I don’t know especially when there’s an element of being judged/assessed.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated as I’m seriously thinking of stopping playing. Something similar happened when I first played about 15 years ago which resulted in me not playing for 12 years until the middle of last year. I play off 18 but that’s mainly down to the short game and feel I could get so much lower!

Thanks ??
I have had grip issues over the years .
sorry I don’t have the tech ability to post links.
It’s the best £12 I have ever spent.
Bit of plastic that fits on your own grips . So you can use your own clubs.
It feels really awful at first and proved to me how bad my grip had got over the years.
Try one , I use mine on the practice ground chipping etc it does work if you work on it.
Good luck.


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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Try a larger grip. There is no law that says if you wear this size glove you must have this size grip. I'm a very "finger/handsey" player, and have gone from standard size all the way via extra tapes to jumbo grip. I wear a large glove, but have active hands and fingers which have only died down a lot since going up to jumbo size grips.
Try 1 club...and give it a go, you have nothing to lose:)


Dec 14, 2019
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Some food for thought thanks - I’ve already got a clip on Skilz grip trainer and that makes my grip which just feel really loose and not controlled. I’ve tried a baseball grip, only briefly, but felt truly awful to be honest. I’ve read a little about a double interlocking grip and may give that a go on my next visit to the range. I am starting to think that despite being a fairly decent all round sportsman golf may not be for me. I really love the feeling of a decent golf shot (as rare as they are) and enjoy the short game aspect immensely where there’s not as much stress o. The hands.

Thanks all!


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I have had grip issues over the years .
sorry I don’t have the tech ability to post links.
It’s the best £12 I have ever spent.
Bit of plastic that fits on your own grips . So you can use your own clubs.
It feels really awful at first and proved to me how bad my grip had got over the years.
Try one , I use mine on the practice ground chipping etc it does work if you work on it.
Good luck.

I had one of these and simply put it on an old wedge and sat watching TV and gripping the club so I didn't have to think about it and it became natural
The good thing is you can stick it on the club and hit shots with it on


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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I had one of these and simply put it on an old wedge and sat watching TV and gripping the club so I didn't have to think about it and it became natural
The good thing is you can stick it on the club and hit shots with it on
I saw this reply and having struggled with my grip in both re-gripping and a pull hook I bought one. I was interested to see on their website that this trainer cures re-grips along with other faults. Over the years I have concentrated on trying to keep my grip neutral and paid particular attention to my left hand. Once I put this grip trainer on my driver it seems my left hand is in a good position but the trainer wants my right hand more “on top” of the grip. It’s only a little but of course it feels like a lot and it’s more than the Leadbetter training grip I have used before. When I hit a drive with it I actually slice it (which is a new experience!).
I was just wondering if you found the same, Homer and should I use this grip as the standard and work on making it go straight?


Money List Winner
Sep 18, 2010
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My big tip is to have a club in the living room and practice a good grip while you watch TV.

Also draw some lines on a glove or get a grip trainer for extra benefit.

Lastly your grip is probably less of an issue than you think but as golf is mostly mental it will seem huge.

He has about 4 other vids on grips which are all good too.

Then add this


Challenge Tour Pro
Sep 25, 2015
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If you are having problems with the fingers you have stated, I strongly suggest going to the baseball grip. I had the same problem with aching fingers and in the end my left index finger started to flare up and start bending sideways at the knuckle. I also developed trigger finger in my right little finger which was very painful.
I changed to baseball grip and my index finger recovered fairly quickly but I still have intermittant problems with trigger finger but 90% better. I also eventually changed to jumbo grips which I feel I have better control with.
I also stopped using a glove several years ago as I felt it was just pointless and never noticed any loss of grip.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Maybe you should try the real jumbo sized grips. Have a Google of the grips Dechambeau uses - proper thick chunky things. Maybe try one of them and see if it feels any better.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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I have had grip issues over the years .
sorry I don’t have the tech ability to post links.
It’s the best £12 I have ever spent.
Bit of plastic that fits on your own grips . So you can use your own clubs.
It feels really awful at first and proved to me how bad my grip had got over the years.
Try one , I use mine on the practice ground chipping etc it does work if you work on it.
Good luck.

Do you mean this?

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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I saw this reply and having struggled with my grip in both re-gripping and a pull hook I bought one. I was interested to see on their website that this trainer cures re-grips along with other faults. Over the years I have concentrated on trying to keep my grip neutral and paid particular attention to my left hand. Once I put this grip trainer on my driver it seems my left hand is in a good position but the trainer wants my right hand more “on top” of the grip. It’s only a little but of course it feels like a lot and it’s more than the Leadbetter training grip I have used before. When I hit a drive with it I actually slice it (which is a new experience!).
I was just wondering if you found the same, Homer and should I use this grip as the standard and work on making it go straight?

Looking at the hand position in picture 2 of Homer's link I'm not surprised. I was always taught that the lines between the thumb & forefinger run parallel, they don't seem to in that picture.
Last edited:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 3, 2013
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Looking at the hand position in picture 2 of Homer's link I'm not surprised. I was always taught that the lines between the thumb & forefinger run parallel, they don't seem to in that picture.
I agree. Having looked at this I would have to say that the grip it produces has both hands more on top than my version of a neutral grip, meaning the grip is stronger on the left hand (I can see 3 knuckles) and weaker right hand. As I say, I hit with a slice with this trainer on the grip, so I am guessing the weaker right hand is having more effect. To be fair though, when I had Mrs Sweep take a photo, the grip looked OK (no pun intended ?). I have ordered the SKLZ one to compare - I mean what’s another £10 in the grand scheme of things? It just shows how a very slight change of position in the grip can make a big difference- both in a good and bad way.
At least I know that I can straighten my pull hook by tweaking my right hand position but I also know that’s not an easy fix. I am hoping that my right hand being too strong is the reason for my regrip as this will solve a big problem for me. Hopefully this will help the OP too as I know from personal experience how an insecure grip can cause major issues.