Golfing Tat.


Tour Winner
Jul 15, 2007
Anybody brave enough to admit owning some items of golfing tat?

Many of you may have received such things from well meaning relatives for Christmas or Birthdays.

I've had:

Rubber tee holder complete with plastic divot repair tool.

Those rubber winter tees in different heights, all connected by a piece of string.

Oh yes. the wonderful set comprising 3 naff balls and half a dozen plastic tees.

Does anybody own a ball cleaner? You'll have seen them, they're the hemispherical ones with a piece of sponge stuck in them. They come supplied with a few holes in the top to hold tees and a piece of string to allow it to be fixed to your bag.
I only took the game up in October so you can imagine what santa left in my stocking.

YES a hemispheric ball cleaner with a sponge inside, (i lost it thankgod) A motorised ball cleaner. A PGA range finder from Argos. A set of colourful plastic tees from donnay along with a dozen of the hardest balls ever made with 'tour distance' on the side.
I have had crap balls bought for me along with other disasters such as the forementioned ball cleaner, crab-like tee's and little stickers to stick on my balls.

If anybody were to buy me a novelty headcover though, I would not be responsible for my actions.
Somewhere I've got one of those ball embossing contraptions that put your initials on your ball and a plastic Christmas Tree shaped box of tees with my name on them.

Got a pressie of a St Andrews Towel from the parents a few years ago even though I've never been within 50 miles of the place - one day!!
I have a motorised club groove cleaner which has an attachment to be able to clean my cleats as well. Slight problem thoguh the motor is not powerful enough as soon as you place it against the groove or shoe it just stops. Also have had the winter tees and a monogrammer both useless.

We're an ungrateful bunch aren't we considering these were all seemingly well meant gifts!
I am always grateful for what I get. I have passed on the crap balls to a grandson but manage to make use of the other stuff.
The semi-sperical ball cleaner is an invention popular in the 60's & 70s. It may appear naff now & don't use one currently though I do own one.What I do think is naff & really naff is people who have the electric ball cleaners or totally spherical ball cleaner that looks like a golf ball.. that really is tat.

An item I really feel is tat is the 14 way divider bags some people insist is a good idea, where every club hangs over every other club & therefore get easily marked, they are counter productive

As for the whiter tee sets of rubber tees, these items are indispensibvle when there is snow or frozen solid tee boxes.

What is naff is the brush tee sets etc that are supposed to do wonders, when again nothing could be further from the truth.

Most of those golf computers really are tat, ive tried using them. they really don't do what I need them to do.

Optical rangefinders that only meassure distance to flags, using an estimated height of the pin as its reference point... Pointless. If it was lazer & could meassure to different places then fine, but not the flag height thingamys.

Cheap 15 ball packs of balls that would have been better substituted for pebbles off the beach.
Ive had the 3 letter ball stamps before, they are actually quite handy and look that little bit more professional than a dab with a pen, in fact i might even go and buy another :D
I think so matey, they come with all the alphanumerics, a few ink robbons, press and clear lacquer. My only advice is to do a batch of them together well before you are going to use them to make sure the lacquer has time to cure properly otherwise it just comes straight back off.
An item I really feel is tat is the 14 way divider bags some people insist is a good idea, where every club hangs over every other club & therefore get easily marked, they are counter productive

Even this one???

lol That is the exception to the rule, :cool: because it does mean clubs truly are seperated unlike with the standard 14 way. :rolleyes:

The sort I'm refering to are the sort that look like some sort of demented chessboard, when ironically an old pencil bag would be better.

Infact its just one of the old standard 14 way bags that prompted me to try the bennington in the first place.
I use ther neoprene head covers on all my irons.

it looks a bit over egged when they're in the bag but it stops scuffs and marks on the heads/shafts of me clubs.
never been keen on head covers for irons. I know they do a job & are actually doing it well, but seems too muchof a faff for my liking. Have played with people who've got iron head covers & it takes them an etterity to play their shots & one old boy is for ever droping his & having to go back for the soddin iron head