Give us your thoughts!


Content Director
Staff member
Jul 22, 2006
GM Towers
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Hello everyone

Just a quick post to say please do get in touch with any feedback you have on either Golf Monthly and or our website - we're always looking for reader input to let us know what you'd like to see more or indeed less of in the magazine and on the web.

Either post your suggestions here or else please do send me an email



Tour Rookie
Oct 15, 2006
Norn Iron
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I know this might sound a bit daft but I would actually like to see less instruction in the magazine. If I've seen one article telling me how to drive it straighter, hit more greens, chip it closer and hole more putts, I must have seen a hundred! The advice the top pros give is often contradictory as well. One will tell us to take the break out of 3-footers by knocking them to the back of the hole while the next says we should dribble them to the hole so that it's effectively bigger. I know it's up to us to try out different methods and see what works best but reading the same tips over and over again doesn't seem to help much imho. I know you have to cater for everyone so I don't expect you to ditch instruction altogether, of course. Surely there must be some way to make it less more entertaining for the regular reader? I tend to skip over the instruction section or maybe have a quick glance at most.

By the way, I'm a 20 handicapper myself so it's not as if I'm an expert who doesn't need coaching! I prefer to go for the odd lesson with my local pro though. That's my main problem...I don't go often enough or practise often enough either, come to that.

PS I see the outline of a pop up with nothing in it coming up at the bottom of my screen all the time now when I'm on this forum. Last time it happened I had just written the first version of this post but the "invisible" pop up covered the 'submit' button, so when I clicked what I thought was 'submit', I was unwittingly clicking the pop up which took me to instead and my post was lost. Hence I have had to write it all out again, which is very frustrating! Am I the only one who sees this mysterious pop up?


Assistant Pro
Sep 19, 2006
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For goodness sake don't let up on the instruction GM. Like muttlee I am also a 20-handicapper but find the tips very useful indeed. I suppose instruction by its very nature is repetitive but you do seem to be able to present it in fresh, interesting ways. For example I thought the Barney Puttick Make more birdies piece in the January issue was superb - classic fundamentals followed by more advanced shotmaking advice. Loved the My Game Monty thing too – something a bit different. Is this a new series?


Head Pro
Sep 18, 2006
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Have to say Mutlee don't totally agree with you although I see where you are coming from! I am a 8-handicapper (not showing off but maybe i come at it from a different angle!) and I have to say the Instruction is one of the things that first attracted me to Golf Monthly. I just find I get so many tibits from the pros but more especially form the Top 25 Coaches - started a subscription last year and really loved the Top 25 lot - so much practical advice - anything from the pros that i try at least makes me feel better than i am!!

I would like to see a bit more debate in GM, looking at the broader global issues within golf like what is golf going to do about drugs etc?


Club Champion
Nov 30, 2006
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I agree with trueblue, don't drop the instruction.
I feel this part of the magazine is there for everyone to take what you can from it. Even moreso it provides a reference point if you experience a problem in your game, you can at least go to a back issue and refresh yourself on how to approach it.

I do however feel the magazine lacks a bit of umph though... almost half, if not more, is dedicated to features of courses etc overseas, and if like me you can neither afford the money or time then it gets somewhat dreary.

I would like to see more profiles/features of players and the tours..also profiles of "Golfing Greats" whether it be events or individuals, even a feature of "back in time" to educate/inform readers of the history, both of the game and the equipment.... Golf has been around for some considerable time so there no shortage of material.


Content Director
Staff member
Jul 22, 2006
GM Towers
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Thanks everyone for your feedback here and also to those who have emailed in as well - it will all will be taken into consideration when the editorial team sit down for our next ideas meeting in January

best regards


Content Director
Staff member
Jul 22, 2006
GM Towers
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Hi funnyoldgame

I'm afraid it's not possible to view the posts that way but what you can do is view posts in 'threaded' mode (click on the far right link in the menu bar at the top which has previous/index/next/threaded

that collapses all the posts until you click on one which opens it meaning you dont have to scroll down so far to find the last post

hope that helps
