Getting back in the swing again

Norrin Radd

Tour Winner
Aug 6, 2015
Sunny Sussex
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When COVID hit and golf took a back seat for all of us for me it meant getting the fishing tackle back out as you were allowed to go fishing but not ok to play golf.
Consequently it meant that I gave up my club membership at Willingdon GC .I rejoined my old angling club and ended up being club champion 🏆 for the season.
Golf had taken a back seat with just two rounds being played whilst the fishing season was underway.
A very nasty bout of pneumonia curtailed a lot of my fishing last year, with no golf being played since COVID apart from those two rounds which to my surprise I played to handicap.
So it comes round that I've been invited to a charity bash in September and not having even looked at my clubs for well over a year and just those rounds since COVID I am now going to be down the driving range twice a week to try and remember how to hit that little white ball straight and long ,( yeah as if that ever happened before) and hopefully I will be put up a reasonable showing the day of the charity bash .
I'm only going to take an eight iron with me to the range as I'm not going to be rushing into getting the big dog out and thrashing away with no idea what's going on .
I doubt that I will be rejoining my old club as I have moved twenty mile further away from it ,so possibly a new club , just got to sweet talk the mem sahib into letting me join , the problem I have is that I need a buggy now due to COPD and the pneumonia leaving me very short breathed so to play once a week with club membership fees and the cost of a buggy it's a bit unreasonable to assume I will get a pass to do it.
On the fishing side we have had six matches ,two of which were for a trophy. I have won both of them 😁👍🏆🏆.
Sorry for a long winded post but I'm looking forward to bashing a ball around the course again and just thought I would share my thoughts on it .


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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I have swapped out Golf for fishing liek you and have also had health issues. I fished last Friday and had a great day however golf is more of a struggle, I was always a nomad and courses locally are rammed, we have had a local one close and since Covid teh others are just rammed day and night. Even the fishing is busy at times and if you aren't there at the crack of dawn it can bve a struggle to get a decent swim.