For Homer


Ryder Cup Winner
Apr 6, 2009
Hi Homer.... I thought I'd post my unprofessional opinion

Looking at this picture you can see that your club starts back at the very bottom of the swing plane (marked in yellow) or indeed below it. As a result of this your hands have come right around your right hand side and the club head is laid off approx a foot behind you (blue line). Subsequently you will end up pointing to the right of the target as you overswing your 7-iron and then come down way too steep causing you to lean back on the shot and appear to not transfer your weight properly to the left hand side (ie: not unlike a reverse pivot).

If you picture taking the club up steeper towards your right hand shoulder this will reduce the overswing and also keep the club pointing down the target line. Try and keep your hands more to the right and up instead of trying to whip them round low behind you.

With your hands more in front of your body it may/should alleviate the loss of spine angle you have at impact and the shorter swing will give you improved balance enabling you to drive your weight through properly to the left hand side.

Of course this is all in my PGA unqualified opinion, so make of it as you will, but I hope it helps.
