Flipping hands at impact


Head Pro
Jul 4, 2011
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So after a series of lessons and lots of range time my ball striking was getting better but I found I was hitting a lot of pulls and pull hooks. Previously being a bit OTT and having a slice, I did some reading and it seemed likely that the OTT was still there but I was just releasing the face through the shot and tugging it left. I spent weeks trying different approaches to change my swing path but to no avail, still the same result.

Anyway went and had a lesson and watching myself back on the video, I'm not OTT at all, going away and coming back on plane but am almost flipping the hands last minute at impact and this is causing the ball to go to the left, plus loads of height on my shots.

What drills can help me maintain the lag through impact?

Goes to show that self diagnosis can be very dangerous.
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duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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sadly I have to admit to doing this.....all the time. it's a killer.

my comes from a very bad back (much surgery) and an inconsistent shoulder turn - it has a mind of it's own. I therefore started to flip the hands to compensate.

my attempts to avoid it come down to -
1. swing with my shoulders
2. avoid a strong right hand grip - it provides the capability to flip
3. set up with the left arm and club shaft aligned - having the club head level with the hands will enable flippy to play.....
4. not only the position of the grip but the strength of the RH grip should be really relaxed - you don't what it thinking it should be doing something
5. (this ones the on course rehabilitation step) = club up every time, and hit controlled 3/4 swings

Once flippy has left you to bother someone else you can relax again.