Feet position with driver?


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Just after general thoughts on this subject really.
I was always under the impression the right foot (for a right handed player) should traditionally be slightly further back with driver as per the Ben Hogan diagram.
At a lesson the other day I was told to have my left foot further back which gave me a more open stance, a bit like a short iron type stance if you will. There was a specific reason for this (hip turn issue) but it felt very very strange and I can't hit a ball for toffee like this.
With the right foot further back it feels better and if I remember to turn my hips correctly I do hit the ball much more consistently.
I did learn a lot during my lesson but it just feels wrong lol, it's almost like I want a second opinion :D


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Jan 30, 2012
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Am no way qualified to comment on this, however my experience when playing at the range with right foot positions is right foot back = draw/hook and right foot forward = fade/slice. no idea if that's just me, probably an explanation for it from someone who knows!


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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You cant go wrong with a square stance so why not run with that?

Anything slightly open or closed should be OK but IMO you shouldn't dabble with either until you are hitting it well with a square stance. I normally stand slightly open if I try to fade the ball and vice versa to try and promote a draw.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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I was stood square before the lesson but the stance adjustment was to help with another issue.
Baaagh, I have to trust the pro in what he says but I just can't physically hit the ball in any shape or form in the new stance.


Club Champion
Jan 26, 2014
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I usually drop my right fook back a little, I fight a fade with the driver so anything that helps with this really. Recently been a bit more square and the big fade is coming back so I'm reverting back to dropping the right foot back again, seems to help a bit.


Nov 16, 2011
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Standing a little open - and/or splaying the left foot 20-30* open as well - certainly tends to help the hips to turn, by giving them something of a head start.

If you really can't get on with the 'new' stance, I'd suggest you go back to the Pro and ask his advice. It shouldn't really take long to become accustomed to something new. Perhaps you are concentrating too much on the position of the feet and not enough on hitting the ball? I've certainly had that experience! Main issue is to avoid becoming over-tense. Wrong tension can be a killer of the golf swing, and if your legs (and therefore back) are tense, all sorts of things can go wrong!
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Aug 5, 2011
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Try moving your left foot back a touch but keep your shoulders square

his pro already advocated this but poor results as per op.

@OP, you might already have a good hip turn on the downswing and the right foot back allows a decent hip coil on the backswing.

Just a thought, but worth asking your pro again as he's seen your swing and he's the expert.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Just after general thoughts on this subject really.
I was always under the impression the right foot (for a right handed player) should traditionally be slightly further back with driver as per the Ben Hogan diagram.
At a lesson the other day I was told to have my left foot further back which gave me a more open stance, a bit like a short iron type stance if you will. There was a specific reason for this (hip turn issue) but it felt very very strange and I can't hit a ball for toffee like this.
With the right foot further back it feels better and if I remember to turn my hips correctly I do hit the ball much more consistently.
I did learn a lot during my lesson but it just feels wrong lol, it's almost like I want a second opinion :D

Guessing you went for lessons because you weren't happy with where your golf game was.
So getting better means doing things differently than you've been doing them, going to take change.
Change under Professional guidance very rarely 'wrong' but has got to feel a good ways different than the way it's been done for some time.
In this instance at the start if it feels comfy, thats back to old habits & wrong. Feels different there's a fighting chance you're doing what the Pro has seen needs to be done first to have a chance of improvement.

In this instance he's seen you not turning & clearing your hips in the right way at the right time coming into & through impact, something a golfer has to do to be able to get the arms, hands & club in the right place at the correct angle for good impact conditions.

It's not uncommon for handicap players to be a ways over reliant on the arms & hands in a swing, not engaging the upper body turn & weight transfer correctly, & particularly not really using the feet, legs & hips much at all, or if so in the wrong way.

From what I've seen this usually means one of two things either the hips remain really square to the target line through impact with just a slide or thrust forwards to the ball/target line at the last moment before impact or right from the top they turn & spin the hips left, spinning there hips & shoulders so arms/hands & club way out over the top swinging out to in with all the pain that brings.

He's asked you to change your left foot to try to get you to engage your hip movement correctly coming into & through impact which gives you the space for the arms/hands club to come through & get the face to square through impact plus doing this gets your weight on you left side giving you a stronger more solid strike - accuracy plus distance. Rather than hanging back on the right side & being in danger of the flip, collapse of the wrists upwards through impact with all the tops, thins & fats etc. that brings.

Getting used to change is really difficult but something you just got to do if you want to benefit through your Pro's guidance.
Getting a lot better doing what a golfer has been used to doing usually isn't an option.
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Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Thanks Coach, I've taken the Pro's advice and ditched the driver for now until I can work through his changes. My hips are coming forward and round which means my head lifts, this adds "width" to the swing causing the really bad shot which is low left.
He also said my swing is far too shallow which I have now been consciously working on, initial takeaway and general plane at contact were good though.


Nov 16, 2011
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Your a right sh1t stirrer aren't you!:(

Check the mirror!

I might query Bob's meaning occasionally, but I'd sooner he didn't get put off by negative/'you are wrong' comments and decide to stay away!

And oddly, the cistern is playing up a bit!:rolleyes:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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The patience wears a bit thin when you spend over 5 years on here having your professional advice queried, questioned and even ridiculed.
So instead, I'll continue to help those who appreciate my help in pms where I don't have to justify every bit of advice I give to the other 'experts'.


Aug 5, 2011
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Check the mirror!

I might query Bob's meaning occasionally, but I'd sooner he didn't get put off by negative/'you are wrong' comments and decide to stay away!

And oddly, the cistern is playing up a bit!:rolleyes:
where did I say he was wrong?


Aug 5, 2011
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The patience wears a bit thin when you spend over 5 years on here having your professional advice queried, questioned and even ridiculed.
So instead, I'll continue to help those who appreciate my help in pms where I don't have to justify every bit of advice I give to the other 'experts'.

Bob, all due respect but you keep moaning about people discussing opinions, if you dont like it why do you keep coming back?

I havent seen anyone recently ridicule or question your opinion recently or are you just annoyed from your past experiences?


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Bob, all due respect but you keep moaning about people discussing opinions, if you dont like it why do you keep coming back?

Because I have a few friends here and I like helping people.

I havent seen anyone recently ridicule or question your opinion recently or are you just annoyed from your past experiences?

That's because I dont tend to get involved in the experts section any more, preferring to help in pms as I said above.

Anyway, you have 'The coach' now to help everyone so I'll just continue to take a back seat