Euro 2016 Prediction Competition


Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Hi All

We are doing this at our work and its good fun and with a chance to win some money. Read on and let me know if you would be interested please. If we get enough to make it work while I don't mind runing it. Below is the email that I copied verbatim. I also attached a picture of the entry form, its a whizzy spreadsheet ( which will be sent at the weekend if its a goer) and all you need to do is put your name on it and put down your predictions. Theres a consolidation xls that I have that has lots of formulas for totalling the points etc. automatically.

"You are invited to participate in the Euro 2016 prediction competition.

The rules are below:

The entry form is attached, but if you encounter any issues in being able to open it then let me know.

Euro16 Prediction Competition Rules

1) £10 in...payable BEFORE tournament starts. (Payment not in by Wednesday 8th of June = No entry.)
Cash or Bank transfer accepted.

Please submit submissions to: (to be decided).

Any Bank Transfers should be made to xxxxx using the following Bank Details:
ACCOUNT xxxxxxxx
SORT CODE xxxxxxxx

2) Max - one entry per person.

3) First prize (highest score) is 60% of total collected,
Second prize (second highest score) is 30%.
Third prize (third highest score) is 10%

In the event of a tie, most '5 point predictions' takes precedence.

4) By Wednesday 8th June you need to forecast the score of the 36 first round games (attached).

5) These finish on Wednesday 22nd June. The Second round games then take place from Saturday 25[SUP]th[/SUP] to Monday 27th (No predictions are required for the second round games dues to time turn round restrictions).
We then need your Q-Final predictions and your prediction for Champions and Runner-up.

You will have 2 ½ days to make these predictions - This is required by 12pm Thursday 30[SUP]th[/SUP] June as an absolute deadline as the games start that evening.

6) Each forecast is the NINETY minute score line. Extra time and penalties are irrelevant in this competition (until predicting the winner of the Final)

7) Scoring is 3 points for correct result forecast and 1 point for each team score correctly forecast...example....

Actual Score: England 2 Wales 1

You predict:
England 2 Wales 1 = 5 points
England 1 Wales 0 = 3 points
England 0 Wales 1 = 1 point
England 3 Wales 1 = 4 points
England 0 Wales 0 = 0 points

8) In the 36 first round matches, you can only use any score line a MAXIMUM of 10
times. ie You cannot predict all 36 games to finish 1-0 or 0-1. NOTE: There is a “check and balance” at the bottom of the entry form (lines 59-71) that summarises the scores you have submitted, and whether you need to change any predictions.

9) The scoring system is the same for the quarter-finals.

10) For the champion and runner-up prediction you get 7 points if the team you select to win the tournament actually wins.
You get 4 points if the team you select to win is the runner-up.
You get 4 points if the team you select to be runner-up is actual runner-up.
You get 2 points if the team you select as runners-up, actually wins.
11) Regular updates will be sent during the course of the competition, so you can easily plot exactly how much money you will win ?!?

That is it. Couldn't be easier. Any questions, just let me know.
Good luck"


Just gauging interest, so please copy and paste your name to the list below (and any comments or suggestions would be handy, especially around payment. I can do bank transfer but would have to IM or email them to the entrants rather than advertise on here I think. Or maybe some other payment is better? Like Paypal?) Or maybe we just do it for a bit of fun?



Tour Winner
Jul 1, 2009
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Sean, I would be in, but you can just set up a free league here and it does it all for you.

Looks a bit conplex Scott with insurance, banker, etc but yes is a possibility.

This sheet that I have is automated and I will send it out after every day or two on email, entering the scores once into the consolidation spreadsheet is just a cut and paste exercise.


Tour Winner
Feb 27, 2010
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I predict they will be a riot when England play a country that has a load of their fellow countrymen living in England and they are all in the same pub together. A bad decision goes against us, BOOM! It's all gonna kick off!