Driver swing


Club Champion
Apr 28, 2012
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Any tips on my driver swing? From what I can tell I lose my spine angle before impact but I'm certainly no pro. Can anybody point me in the right direction?




Club Champion
Apr 28, 2012
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Do you ever draw/hook the ball?

Hi bob thanks for the reply.

I've been battling a fade/slice ever since I started playing and I'm slowly straightening it up with a few draws in a round. I do occasionally hook though, it happened twice last round.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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If you take a look at your takeaway going back, (you'll maybes have to play & hit pause a few times) You'll see from takeaway your hands move outwards a ways from your body as they move back.

So when the shaft is at first parallel to the ground going back, {so even accounting for 'lens parallax'} the shaft & club head is pointing out right over the ball/target line rather than more a ways parallel to ball target line.

You can see if you also look at your upper left arm how from the get go it's worked out away from you, away from your upper chest, so working away & a ways disconnected to your body turn.
You can see the evidence with the 'daylight' the gap between your upper left arm & your chest.

When you take the club away, do so as you do now in one piece (that's good) except take the club straight back from the ball for the first 12", 18" but feel your upper left arm stays lightly touching your upper chest.

Best ways is to do some slow motion take away drills feeling this connection with your upper left arm & chest to that first shaft parallel to ground position, just stop there & check the shaft is also nearer to parallel to your ball target line, (put an alignment rod or club down just off your right foot toe line parallel to your ball/target line then you have some visual reference to go by)
* You don't want to be overcompenstating though whipping the club inside of this & behind you though just nearer parallel than it is on this video, it's not that far out just a little.
At this check point feel the connection is there between your left upper arm & chest, so that gap, daylight isn't there, you can feel it's touching.

Just do this a few times, then once you're getting it. Just make an easy smooth swing feeling the same sensation, completing your shoulder turn as you do here & starting down as you do already with your lower body & through to a balanced finish.

The through swing feel you swing level through the strike, don't try to help it up, feel your finish point is over you left shoulder shaft finishing more across you back, not vertically down it.

Looks like the slight helping up intent with the swing movement through impact is contributing to your hips early extending towards the ball a ways, so you lose the pelvic angle & spine bend, so stand up through impact, & your left foot jumps upwards. So through impact it seems there may be a little too much weight on the right side still. Feel as you start down the left foot has a good deal of your body weight going through it, so it feels anchored, more stable through the strike.


Club Champion
Apr 28, 2012
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If you take a look at your takeaway going back, (you'll maybes have to play & hit pause a few times) You'll see from takeaway your hands move outwards a ways from your body as they move back.

So when the shaft is at first parallel to the ground going back, {so even accounting for 'lens parallax'} the shaft & club head is pointing out right over the ball/target line rather than more a ways parallel to ball target line.

You can see if you also look at your upper left arm how from the get go it's worked out away from you, away from your upper chest, so working away & a ways disconnected to your body turn.
You can see the evidence with the 'daylight' the gap between your upper left arm & your chest.

When you take the club away, do so as you do now in one piece (that's good) except take the club straight back from the ball for the first 12", 18" but feel your upper left arm stays lightly touching your upper chest.

Best ways is to do some slow motion take away drills feeling this connection with your upper left arm & chest to that first shaft parallel to ground position, just stop there & check the shaft is also nearer to parallel to your ball target line, (put an alignment rod or club down just off your right foot toe line parallel to your ball/target line then you have some visual reference to go by)
* You don't want to be overcompenstating though whipping the club inside of this & behind you though just nearer parallel than it is on this video, it's not that far out just a little.
At this check point feel the connection is there between your left upper arm & chest, so that gap, daylight isn't there, you can feel it's touching.

Just do this a few times, then once you're getting it. Just make an easy smooth swing feeling the same sensation, completing your shoulder turn as you do here & starting down as you do already with your lower body & through to a balanced finish.

The through swing feel you swing level through the strike, don't try to help it up, feel your finish point is over you left shoulder shaft finishing more across you back, not vertically down it.

Looks like the slight helping up intent with the swing movement through impact is contributing to your hips early extending towards the ball a ways, so you lose the pelvic angle & spine bend, so stand up through impact, & your left foot jumps upwards. So through impact it seems there may be a little too much weight on the right side still. Feel as you start down the left foot has a good deal of your body weight going through it, so it feels anchored, more stable through the strike.

Some great tips and I see exactly what you mean. Much appreciated mate.


Medal Winner
Jan 21, 2014
Bangkok Thailand
I agree with the coach, you take the club too far outside on the takeaway, the head of the club should ideally be tracking back on the initial shaft angle at set up(DTL). You then have to straighten up your posture angles through impact to shallow out the downswing and help you hit the middle of the club. Fix the takeaway and the posture angles straightening through impact should right themselves, if they don't here's a nice drill to help you to stay down through impact, used here for a different swing fault but still very appropriate for what you need to feel, good luck!
