Driver Swing (weight shift?)


Head Pro
Jan 22, 2013
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Recently my shots with the driver have been very good, with mixed iron play – not uncommon. I’d noticed in order to get good contact with my irons the ball had started creeping back in my stance. Last week I worked this out to be a weight shift issue, basically caused by the success I was having with my driver of the tee. My driver swing basically seen me shift weight to the inside of my back leg, start the downswing with my hips rotating but excluding any lateral weight shift so at impact I still had most of my weight on my back leg. Ball position for the driver remained forward. The reintroduction last week of the lateral movement has seen my iron striking improve drastically, distance improve and the ball is now in ‘normal’ positions for 5i to SW. However the weight shift is now hurting me off the tee.

So... is it advisable to revert to keeping more weight on my back leg during the downswing with the driver only or should I continue to work on finding a way for my weight to shift forward for the driver as well? I know from previous posts the feeling was 1 swing but different set-up & planes (drivers vs irons) but this would actually (in my head anyway) be 2 swings.



Nov 16, 2011
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Nothing wrong with 2 slightly different swings imo. And I'd ignore any dogmatic attitude to one way or the other. Driver really is a 'special case' imo.

Not altogether sure about weight on back leg, but not a destructive thought, and if it helps.....
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