Driver swing plane.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I think this maybe where my issues are.
Thinks I'm too upright and then come in too steep to the ball

Helps some if you can think of the swing as an inclined plane, player standing inside a large inclined hoop, driver head resting on the lowest point of inclined hoop at address.

Then you can better see that the clubhead moves backwards first tracing the hoop, as it moves inside then upwards still on an inwards inclined plane to the top.

Imaging the clubhead at top of this hoop, you can better see that (initiated by lower body) the clubhead then has to start to move backwards away from target first as the right shoulder arms/hands move downwards first.

So right from top of backswing at start down, the driver head moves away from target then downwards then as the right elbow gets to the right hip, the hip turn & body turn then also send this downwards clubhead movement outwards towards the back of the ball.

Folks get a ways steep often when from top instead of this 'clubhead movement away from target & downwards first' in a hurry they want to get the clubhead to the ball from the top so everthing goes outwards first towards the ball/target line.

So wrongly from top they've moved both their hands, arms & right shoulder - outwards first & then from this outwards stretched a ways from the body position the hands arms & club now a good ways in front of the body & too near the ball/target line, they then have a very steep path down if they're to make contact with the ball.

To see just how steep this can become, if you looked from behind a DTL view with this straightways out over the top move. When the hands have reached to just below shoulder height you'd already see a very steep shaft angle, in that that the clubhead would be virtually right overtop of the hands so vertical shaft.
If you can have a look in mirror you'll see just how steep the shaft is with the arms now a ways out in front of the body, so the only thing that can happen from here is to swing leftwards to drop the clubhead steeply down atop the ball.

Have a look at the Tour Pros & you'll see at this hands just past shoulder height on the way down there's a much shallower angle to the shaft & the clubhead is a good ways behind the hand position, so from here the clubhead can travel further & approach at a much shallower angle into back of ball.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Much much better. No more slices with a flatter swing, just pulling the ball slightly.
Any ideas why ?

Good that it's going a ways better.

Difficult to say exactly why it's happening, not seeing the motion.

But the ball will be going straight left, because the swing path will be to what ever degree, from out to in, so through impact the clubhead is swinging leftwards & at impact the face alignment is square to the out to in path, so ball goes straight left.

Check alignment is parallel left to ball/target line, it all needs to be but particularly the shoulders.
Check the ball position hasn't crept a little forwards in the stance. (Ball a little to far forwards would mean the clubhead is getting to the ball a little later in the swings arc, so the direction the clubhead would be swinging through impact would be a ways to the left of target line)

If it's not any of these 'static' positions, it will be because of something that's happening during the swing motion itself.
Could be that the timing is a little ways out, a bit of a snatch from the top, so the transition/downswing is starting more with the upper body, shoulders/arms/hands club. (rather than lower body, lead leg/hip starting the downswing)

This tends to mean that this movement makes upper body, shoulders/arms/hands club first move, be outwards away from the body towards the ball/target line which gives the out to in swing path.
(instead when the lower lead leg/slight hip bump left, starts the downswing, this upper body unit can then swing downwards towards the ground first, right shoulder turning down towards the ground {not out towards the ball} so then with the downwards right shoulder movement the swing path then comes from slightly inside to square)