Driver swing cure?


Head Pro
Oct 20, 2016
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Today I needed a FIX so popped down the the Forest Of Arden for a session on how to hit it somewhere near the planet.

forgot the #Zepp so no feedback on angles. what can I add to my game?

I play a big draw but last round I didn't commit and a few blocks came back, but maybe the lack of practice between, Winter Series events was the issue over issues.

It's not perfect but I get it round, chipping is the issue.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Today I needed a FIX so popped down the the Forest Of Arden for a session on how to hit it somewhere near the planet.

forgot the #Zepp so no feedback on angles. what can I add to my game?

I play a big draw but last round I didn't commit and a few blocks came back, but maybe the lack of practice between, Winter Series events was the issue over issues.

It's not perfect but I get it round, chipping is the issue.

premise all of this with - lessons for sure the best ways to go

what happened to the majority of these shots in relation to your target ?
where exactly was the target on the range here ?

as has been noted already - a weak trail hand & way funky leg moves starting as soon as the swing motion commences - my note to folks with similar moves is along the lines of cutting down the 'elvis' swing influences ! (& as the video continues on a weak-ish lead hand)

despite the club on the ground & the parallax involved because the lens (assuming because of the shaft deformation on the front views it's a gopro) is too close on the dtl views
- would say the 'real' aim of club & body alignments are looking like they are a good bunch to rightfield of the actual target which is goin to have an influence on the instinctive motion in trying to get the ball back to the left some of the actual alignments

the main engine you using to get the clubface back to the ball is primarily the hands & arms (in a trail arm over lead crossover) so that's goin to mean the club face is rotating (toe over toe) real fast over a very small amount of time & space along with a big towards ball/target hip thrust - real difficult to 'time' this everytime - so to get where you are doin that you have done a pretty good job

towards the end of the vid there's face-on swing with the caption "strong grip ...." - thing is that's not for sure any kind of strong grip if you stop the vid directly before any motion - & you draw a line from the 'v creases of thumb/index finger' of both hands the lines point directly at the chin - so both hands in a pretty 'weak' position the trail more so than the lead
first motion away with hands is opening up the face

coming into impact there's not much hip or upper body rotation goin on - all the rotation here that happens is more after the event - this placing all the onus of squaring the face up on the arm & hand motion

my take along the lines of - tball height half ball above the crown of driver (so at least your high ball tee)
make the grip hold stronger for real (so both v's to point mid trail shoulder)
- takeaway keep the face angle 'looking' at ball for the 1st 18" along with keeping the lead heel on the ground lead foot quiet
from the top keep the posture make the weight pressure transfer but clear turn the lead hip left (instead of the trail hip thrust out & forwards) along with - rotate/turn the upper body left plus with what would feel like to you very quiet forearms & hands


Head Pro
Oct 20, 2016
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Good points 👍

The funky footwork is based on the step back drill for hip rotation. Being an ex cricketer my hips are stiff so that move gives #Aids a turn. It before was like a cricket shot with hands turning over left leg and massive snap hook under pressure

Currently looking into a coach and winter tinkering 👍 shots are normally aim right side of fairway / trees and draw it back #EveryShot


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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well maybes not - every shot :)

seeking some lessons best ways to go

given the overall swing motion think that drill done that ways is not going to go you any real favors - tend more to encourage issues with the strike - pretty difficult to time especially with the driver
there are a tad better drill options for hip clearance - & a big part of hip clearance is also the movement patterns in the downswing

one big reason you'd find it difficult to clear the lead hip (& if can't clear the lead hip the upper body cannot rotate either -symptomatic of this is the more lead hip clearance after the strike along with the tagged on arm swing to finish) is the hip thrust towards ball/target line & target so the body straightens up premature - which makes clearing/rotating the lead hip mighty difficult as the joint is more 'locked up'

in order to improve past the good standard you got to already will mean leaving some of the old comfy habits behind - a big part of that will be around grip & set-up alignments - then some tad different swing intentions to fine tune the swing motion


Head Pro
Oct 20, 2016
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Looking back at the video, The step has become more s foot movement over actual clearance - amazing my strike is superb with the move. Must be something I've done in cricket for 40,yrs helping my hand / eye coordination

I went back to proper step back today and feet together drill with driver 👍

Got 💯 score on zepp doing it 🤔