driver slice


Sep 7, 2011
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Any advise on how to cure a wicked driver slice - straight for about 150yds then off to the right for 20 -30 yds


Try posting a video as there are a number of things that may cause this, one thing you can be pretty sure of is that your club head is open at impact.


Aug 5, 2011
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Try posting a video as there are a number of things that may cause this, one thing you can be pretty sure of is that your club head is open at impact.

or square at impact but cutting across the target line


Sep 2, 2011
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I managed to improve my slice by teeing up on the right side of the tee box and aim more to the left hand side of the fairway. Line the face of the driver up with the target(or a target on the fairway then look for a mark just infront of the ball which is in line with the ball and target. Use this as your referance) and make sure your feet/shoulder are aligned. Make sure your balanced is good, weight on the balls of your feet. Distance from the ball, set up as if you ready to swing then release you right hand and let it hang down naturally. If it falls in line with your left hand then move closer to the ball. If you can take your grip without any forward movement of the hand then your distance from the ball is just right. Have the ball opposite your left heel. Next I made sure I could see 2 knuckles on my left hand when gripping the club, with the v (made by the thumb+index finger on both hands)points to my right shoulder. Next grip the club as if your holding a toothpaste tube. nice and light and swing within yourself say 60-70%. Dont try to smack the cover off the ball. If you hit square it will go just as far. I'm no expert but this did help me and I hope it all sounds clear. Also see your local pro for a lesson it may only take 1 lesson for a stress free drive. I still slice but to a lesser degree so I'm seeking a lesson. I've been hitting a 19 degree hybrid off the tee and getting it 200yds and reasonably straight, and I'm happy with that, my scores have dropped because instead of concentrating of distance I've put time into my short game.


Head Pro
Feb 10, 2011
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Got to agree with Gareth,only one way to cure a slice..
Lessons.. a new offset driver may cure the problem short term but after time it will raise its ugly head


Sep 7, 2011
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This is my first post, thanks for the great response from everyone. I'll do one response to all by summarising what I have taken away as the tips:-

-Hit a 3-wood: clubbing down definitely helps, still some slice with a 3-wood but none at all with 4-iron and upwards. But a good hit with a driver off the tee is a hard to beat feeling!
-Have a lesson: done and very worthwhile, I am hitting out to in across the ball AND my club face is open!! Both problems identified by you guys.
-Set up properly: I took the advice given and the advice given in this month's magazine.
- Hit within myself: when I did this it worked but so easy to forget when on the tee and thinking about so many other things.
-Aim left: looks like a good quick fix.

So, I have had a game since the posting and the lesson and ... my best round ever. Still slicing, to various degrees depending on my discipline, but aiming left made for more fairways or short rough. Thanks everyone for the help.