Driver shaft length


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Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Read a lot on here over the years about having a shorter shaft in the driver. When I got my M1 I had it with the standard length shaft in and loved it, but sometimes it could get a bit wayward. So I chose to drop in my MATRIX shaft out of my SLDR that I got custom fitted for by TM, that was cut an inch shorter.

Well what a change it has made. I feel like I have lost a small amount of distance, but nothing major. But what I have found is that it is going a lot straighter and can't believe how many fairways I am hitting, even the bad ones are not that bad.

I would definitely advise anyone who is maybe struggling with controlling the driver to try a shorter shaft and see what a difference it can make.


Tour Winner
Nov 1, 2016
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Agree. I bought my driver second hand, didn't even realise it was shorter when I was trying it out on the range, but straight away saw it was going much straighter than any other driver I'd tried. So I purchased it, got it home and had it leaned up against the wall with my old driver and only then noticed it was one inch shorter. If I ever replace it I will endeavour to go one inch shorter again, definitely. It's been great for me for the most part.