Driver fittingn


Assistant Pro
Jan 24, 2015
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Driver fitting

Hi all I'm looking to get a new driver and wondered what you thoughts on the best way to get fitted for a driver. I have two in mind that I like but obviously they might not work for me.

I understand there are two different ways to be fitted and that is to go into a large retailer and hit every driver off the shelf and find which suits me best and gives me the best results. Or there is go and see a pro and get fitted to one club by changing the shafts to suit (I have never had a fitting by a pro so I persume this is what happens). Would I be wrong in thinking if that is the way a pro fits you to a club that there could be a better club out there and how would we choose that club, would it be on his suggestion or my choice?

sorry if this question has been asked a million times before just want to make sure I make the right choice.


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Money List Winner
Nov 25, 2011
Greensboro, North Carolina.
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Re: Driver fitting

First, you need to decide on how much you are looking to spend. If you say have a £300 budget then there is no point going to a fancy fitting centre as you will start playing around with exotic shafts that could easily add an extra £200 to that price.

What you need to maybe realize is that all the drivers out there are as good as each other, go on YouTube and look up Rick Shiels. He has done testing of all this years drivers and the performance is pretty much about the same.

If you are open minded I would do this:
1) Go to a golf superstore and pick some drivers up and see how they look.
2) Take the ones s that look good in your hands and hit them, see how they feel. But forget about any launch monitor results, your trying to narrow it down.
3) Now you have hopefully got it down to 2 choices that both look good and feel good.
4) Now decide if your going to go down the Golf Superstore route or going to a dedicated fitting centre.