Double hit - mystery ball


Aug 12, 2021
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A drive today went left into some (very) thick rough, wasn’t too far in though so ball was found easily by my playing partner.

I took the 9i and hacked out sideways, just trying to get back in play. Hit the ball, it went about 20 yards along the floor, job done. But another ball came out as well!
This second ball must’ve been either underneath my ball, or right next to it. Neither me nor playing partners had seen it, it was just someone else’s old lost ball. It also squirted about 5 yards forward.

I just picked it up and played on with my ball, but now wondering if this was correct, or if I should have either taken a penalty, or dropped my ball back in and played again? Something else?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Seen my mate do this out of a bunker. His ball was sitting on the sand very close to or on top of another buried and unseen. He played his shot and to our astonishment two balls came flying out…at first we thought his ball had split in two…?


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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Seen my mate do this out of a bunker. His ball was sitting on the sand very close to or on top of another buried and unseen. He played his shot and to our astonishment two balls came flying out…at first we thought his ball had split in two…?

My mate did this on a fairway one day. First iron strike of the day. A true one in a million shot. He hit it that fat, it exploded a ball out from under the ground. Unbelievable to see two balls land a few feet ahead after no sign of it previously.