Do you play differently in Matches


Assistant Pro
Oct 19, 2017
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Had a killer round today, was really striking the ball well and making shots that I wouldn't normally even think about attempting. When i made a chip over a bunker to a close pin I realised how differently I was playing each hole than I do when i'm playing in a normal comp.

I realised that I was being significantly more aggressive with my shot choices and it seriously improved my scoring as I came home with what would have been 45 points.

Do you play differently in matches, and does it improve or hurt your scoring?

duncan mackie

Money List Winner
Feb 19, 2012
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Yes, I can handle shot by shot (as a match is) way better than the cumulative hole by hole leading to a score of X of a comp.
All and any attempts not to be score aware during a comp are ultimately doomed - and I'm spending the winnings long long before I've won it; time after time.

So my match play record is excellent, and my comp returns are pants; but I'm working on it 🤔


Assistant Pro
Apr 9, 2017
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If you don’t play differently you’re doing it wrong.

You can win a match with 29pts or lose it with 40pts, I get what you are saying that not having a card in you hand gives you some freedom. But if I’ve got 2 putts for a hole from more than 10ft I’m lagging it all day, screw the score.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Yes, I can handle shot by shot (as a match is) way better than the cumulative hole by hole leading to a score of X of a comp.
All and any attempts not to be score aware during a comp are ultimately doomed - and I'm spending the winnings long long before I've won it; time after time.

So my match play record is excellent, and my comp returns are pants; but I'm working on it 🤔

I resemble that remark. :mad:


Head Pro
Feb 2, 2017
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I don't play differently although I'm subconsciously more aggressive with my putting in match play and tend to hole quite a lot of 10 - 20ft putts as a result. I'm a pretty decent match play player went through the 2017 season undefeated playing every scratch league match, the club champ and won a big outside comp aswell after qualifying for the match play part. Also undefeated in our club champ this year too haha


Sep 11, 2011
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In 90% of cases I play the hole, aiming for as low a score as I can on the hole. If my opponent nails a drive, so what, I'm aiming for as low a score as possible. If he duffs a drive, so what, I'm aiming for as low a score as possible. Yes, course management comes into play, i.e. don't turn what looks like a bogey into a double bogey.

I don't like trying to match, or play slightly better, than my opponent. For example from the past, my opponent duffs a drive so I play safe. He then nails his second shot and I'm left struggling to match him. I just play the shot in front of me, trying to score as low as possible.

Its worked well enough for 20+ years of scratch league. But everyone has their own favoured methods. Whatever works for everyone, even if it is different, is the way to go.


Head Pro
Feb 2, 2017
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No you should always play the course or hole as you would normally, the only time you might change is if your opponent hits into a bush or OB or whatever then realistically you know that par is going to win the hole or even bogey in most cases. So play the course as you normally do but always be aware of what your opponent is doing as sometimes you have to take a shot on or you'd be a fool to hit a certain shot etc


Journeyman Pro
May 20, 2017
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Virtually all my matches a 4 ball. My game can very much depend upon who my partner is as the partners are normally chosen for me. I like my partners to play first as then I can either be more aggressive or more cautious. Naturally there are some players that prefer me to play first so I always try to keep the ball in play so it takes the pressure off them.

My matchplay record is probably about 50/50. In the past 10 years of playing matches I have only had two matches where I received shots so I am quite happy with it.


Assistant Pro
Oct 19, 2017
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For example from the past, my opponent duffs a drive so I play safe. He then nails his second shot and I'm left struggling to match him. I just play the shot in front of me, trying to score as low as possible.

Completely felt that mistake on the 10th, his tee shot was less than ideal, so I clubbed down and layed up safely, he sticks his second 4-5 ft from the hole meaning I need to get up and down, while if I'd gone for it i might have had an easy two putt.

Think i'll try to take a more "match play" mentality to my next monthly comp, see which shots I end up playing that I wouldn't normally


Well-known member
Oct 4, 2018
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Much like what Hobbit has said, whenever I've played matchplay I decide what I'm going to do in order to score as low as I can on the hole at hand, don't worry about my opponents good or bad shots, nor do I let that affect how I play. As long as I've scored the lowest I possibly can on that hole then there's nothing more I can do.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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Yes and no. I seem to distinctly lack any form of killer instinct in singles matchplay but have a very strong record when playing in better ball matches. The ones I normally lay are "friendly" games although there is usually some form of trophy on offer. They are still competitive though and my record is P21, W14, D2 L5 which since 2005 is pretty good. I went through 2014/15 unbeaten W5

I don't always play great golf but because I have a partner I feel it takes pressure off. I can take on shots but my usual OM is to loiter in a game and come in on the odd hole as and when I can. However I can take the lead if my partner is having an off day. Not sure why I do so well in pairs but while it goes well I'll keep going