

Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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I'm having trouble gauging my distances.

A full swing on my driver is around 220 at the moment, but I get more consistency with my 3W and was hitting that around 200 yards on the course the other day.

But today at the range I was hitting my 9 and 8 iron pretty much the same distance within a 10 yard range.

Any advice?


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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10yard difference is what I would expect between the two. Figure out what you hit 150 and then add or subtract 10yards per club depending how far you are from the 150.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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10yard difference is what I would expect between the two. Figure out what you hit 150 and then add or subtract 10yards per club depending how far you are from the 150.

Sorry perhaps I should clarify. I was hitting them the same distance, so within around 100 yards. Sometimes I'd hit the 8 iron 110 or 90, and the same with the 9 iron.

Also I was finding that I was hitting my wedge the same distance with a quarter and a half swing, depending on the speed.

So I'm assuming its all down to how steady my downswing is.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Sorry perhaps I should clarify. I was hitting them the same distance, so within around 100 yards. Sometimes I'd hit the 8 iron 110 or 90, and the same with the 9 iron.

Also I was finding that I was hitting my wedge the same distance with a quarter and a half swing, depending on the speed.

So I'm assuming its all down to how steady my downswing is.

Pretty much impossible to say, unless you see the swing. If it's a consistent problem then really the best answer would be to get a PGA to have a look at what's going on.

Am assuming your not a junior. The give away that there is a speed/power leak going on is somewhere in the swing motion is the fact that your hitting the 8i & 9i similar distances, that shouldn't be happening. It probably won't just be your downswing.

It really could be a bunch of things, from simply not having a good body coil against a resisting right leg.

Not forming a 90º angle between left arm & club shaft going back so you've not got the leverage of that wrist/arm shaft angle l stored, or forming it going back but not retaining the angle to impact so you lose power that way.

Not setting the wrists going back, then through incorrect weight transference, body turn, the left wrist breaks down, collapses & can only flick through impact.

Could be just trying to get power through just hitting with the arms/hands so not utilizing the big muscles of the body core, back & right shoulder either going back or coming through.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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Pretty much impossible to say, unless you see the swing. If it's a consistent problem then really the best answer would be to get a PGA to have a look at what's going on.

Am assuming your not a junior. The give away that there is a speed/power leak going on is somewhere in the swing motion is the fact that your hitting the 8i & 9i similar distances, that shouldn't be happening. It probably won't just be your downswing.

It really could be a bunch of things, from simply not having a good body coil against a resisting right leg.

Not forming a 90º angle between left arm & club shaft going back so you've not got the leverage of that wrist/arm shaft angle l stored, or forming it going back but not retaining the angle to impact so you lose power that way.

Not setting the wrists going back, then through incorrect weight transference, body turn, the left wrist breaks down, collapses & can only flick through impact.

Could be just trying to get power through just hitting with the arms/hands so not utilizing the big muscles of the body core, back & right shoulder either going back or coming through.

Great answer and I reckon its all of them things. Lesson required I feel.


Money List Winner
Mar 4, 2009
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When I first started golf I could hit almost any distance with 7, 8 + 9 irons. It's to be expected really.

I'm not expert, but I am an expert at inconsistency. :)


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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When I first started golf I could hit almost any distance with 7, 8 + 9 irons. It's to be expected really.

I'm not expert, but I am an expert at inconsistency. :)

Well I'm not a beginner, got a 28 handicap, but its only this past 12 months I've really started to take it seriously, to the point of looking into the details of how I can improve my game.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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Well I'm not a beginner, got a 28 handicap, but its only this past 12 months I've really started to take it seriously, to the point of looking into the details of how I can improve my game.

As someone who has been playing for two years and has an official handicap of 20.9 I would class myself as a beginner.


Tour Rookie
Apr 12, 2012
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Yeah absolutely. I guess I call someone a beginner who has literally just started. 20.9 is quite good though, your probably in between Beginner and Intermediate.

No I'm definitely a beginner and learning new things every time I step onto the course. 20.9 is really NOT good.


Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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No I'm definitely a beginner and learning new things every time I step onto the course. 20.9 is really NOT good.

Well it kind of depends how often you have played in the 2 years. I'm fairly sure every single golfer is learning new things each time he walks on the course.

I doubt I will ever stop learning.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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and I reckon its all of them things. Lesson required I feel.

Always good if it's possible to seek out a good PGA Pro, who'll be able to point you in the right direction having seen the swing.

Given the irons going similar distances, it's definitely something that's need changing a ways in the overall swing technique, could even go back some to the grip, set-up etc. which is setting the scene for the wrong moves to be happening in the swing itself.

What's happening for the 8i 9i to go similar distances will probably effect the other irons to a ways too. Through impact something is causing you to add extra loft to the face angle by having the club head arrive at the ball before the hands & arms, a flip, a breakdown/collapse of the left wrist & back of left hand in an upwards direction.

So the club head arrives first the face angle looking more 'up to the sky' & the shaft is leaning backwards from club head to grip end away from the ball.
For a good efficient strike you need the opposite, your body weight on your lead leg, hips cleared to allow your hand/arms & grip end of the club to pass the ball position so leading a forward leaning shaft (leaning towards target) meaning the club face is moving down into the ball then ground after, the face looking downwards at the ball so the lowest point of the swing arc is some 2" to 3" target side of the ball.
So the intent of the swing is 'down' into the back of the ball, you don't want to be leaning backwards some, trying to 'help' the ball 'up' into the air, strike downwards trust the loft of the club.
The lowest point of the arc not some 2" to 3" before the club head arrives at the ball as it is now.

A small drill that should help some, with a PW or 9i, you can put the ball on a very small tee (barely off the ground) if this helps the anxiety level. Ball position half a ball forward of center at set up.

You're now going to pre-set your left wrist but your hands directly level of the ball so your hands are opposite your pants 'fly', the butt end of the grip will be pointing out to target the shaft of the club is parallel to the ground & your toe line & the ball/target line.
From here just turn a little further in the backswing until your left arm is parallel to the ground then just swing back (you're not hitting shots first just getting used to the position) through slowly feeling your weight on your left leg, your left hip clearing out of the way & feeling you keep the angle in your wrists until your hands are level with the inside of your left thigh the shaft in this slow rehearsal move will still be parallel to the ground as your not releasing the angle in your wrists, just moving to feel the retention of the angle as you hands get level your left inner thigh.

Just make this motion to that position the hands forward to inner left thigh a few times slowly to get the feel of retaining that set in your hands/wrist, without attempting to strike the ball.

Then when you've got this movement, but from that same first preset position (not address behind the ball) do it again but go through with the strike feeling the hands get there first, the shaft leaning forwards so a downward strike.

Bit difficult to do at first but stick at it, in rhythm, don't hit at the ball, & you should begin to feel the difference in strike feel the hands lead, feel at impact you retain the angle in the back of the right hand through impact.
That's what you'll need to feel through impact in a full swing in order to get rid of the flip, and so stop putting extra loft on the shots as you are doing now.
Last edited:


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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This shows the starting position of the drill I wrote about, but Faldo is taking the move back right to the top, you could find going back to the top makes it a little difficult to do at first.

So set up as he shows here but then make a smaller move back just till your left arm is parallel to the ground (as I outlined in my earlier post) the shaft is at 90º to your left arm the shaft pointing up to the sky, then make the moves slowly to get the hands to the left inner thigh maintaining the angles set a few times slowly.
Then back to left arm parallel from this pre-set position & swing through impact.

Once you get used to this, you can do the drill up to the top of backswing position as Faldo does here.



Challenge Tour Pro
Aug 23, 2010
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Awesome youtube clips. Definitely going to save them into my Golf playlists.

Both make total sense. Unfortunately I'm the kind of person who needs to see examples, reading it, or even seeing diagrams or still shot steps in a magazine just don't penetrate my brain. So YouTube is slowly beginning to be a very useful source, and cheap too.

I may well spend a day just sourcing these videos, load them onto my iPad and take them onto the range.