Head Pro
whilst playing/practising yesterday when I was approaching the green a thought crossed my mind whilst choosing my club.
I was say 20yds behind the 150yd marker so thinking something like a 5 iron when I asked myself "when did you last go through the back of a green" and apart from the occasional par 3 the answer was never the next question was "when did you last land short" answer 8 out of 10 times. So I took out my 3 iron hit it quite well and ended middle of the green about 10yds past the flag which was half way up the green.
The point that really struck home was that I was reducing the target by about 75% in terms of distance, I was 20 yds short of the 150 marker (which I assume is to the front of the green and are not always accurate) and the green is 25 yds long I was going to try to hit a pefect 5 iron to maximum.
I judge a distance and choose a club but as an amateur I delude myself. Personnaly I'd much rather slightly overshoot occasionally than fall 5 - 10 yds short all the time.
Just sharing some thoughts would be interested what you guys think.
I was say 20yds behind the 150yd marker so thinking something like a 5 iron when I asked myself "when did you last go through the back of a green" and apart from the occasional par 3 the answer was never the next question was "when did you last land short" answer 8 out of 10 times. So I took out my 3 iron hit it quite well and ended middle of the green about 10yds past the flag which was half way up the green.
The point that really struck home was that I was reducing the target by about 75% in terms of distance, I was 20 yds short of the 150 marker (which I assume is to the front of the green and are not always accurate) and the green is 25 yds long I was going to try to hit a pefect 5 iron to maximum.
I judge a distance and choose a club but as an amateur I delude myself. Personnaly I'd much rather slightly overshoot occasionally than fall 5 - 10 yds short all the time.
Just sharing some thoughts would be interested what you guys think.