

Assistant Pro
Nov 13, 2009
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I played yesterday and we had a terrific downpour for 20 minutes or so mid round. I would have been totally brassed off if any players were allowed to delay their start so as to miss the worst of the weather that everyone on the course had to contend with.

Furthermore, I read so often here about breaking the spirit of the rules and always post that "rules are rules" and you either are within them or break them - on this occassion the rule was broken and no one can agree to overlook that.

Did you take refuge under the nearest tree?


Tour Winner
Sep 3, 2009
North Ayrshire
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Well said that man. As said before I wasn't aware of the rule but I am now! Not worrying about the comments on here from guys I've never met and for the ones I have met well they should know I'm not a cheat or lier just made a genuine mistake of which I shall never make again. It's just a golf forum!

I now fully understand that the guy was in the right to turn us back but have never done it before apart from being the odd couple of minutes late but still just making my time. I'll donate a months wages if I'm ever late again to keep some of you happy!

ive waited a wee bit before saying anything, inthecup did post the heading 'discuss' so everyone did. and tonight you have said you have learned something ie 'the rule'. so well done for coming back on and saying so. it is just a forum and sometimes its very easy to argue to faceless folk.
im sure everyone on here doesnt know all the rules but we all know where to find out.


Tour Winner
Mar 3, 2008
sarf Lunnon
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My take on the whole thing is that no-one was intending to seek an advantage over other players - they merely had a desire not to get especially wet. Without realising this would be a breach of the rules.

But I'm in the camp that believes that in golf, little rules are as important as big rules - its what defines the game. So harsh as it may seem, the pro was correct. We can't choose which rules to obey and which to ignore.


Assistant Pro
Mar 9, 2011
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The way I see it, the OP decided to try and bend the rules to gain an advantage and got caught out. Nothing more nothing less. As for all this clap trap about the attitudes being the reason youngsters aren't joining and being put off the game, that is almost as fanciful as me giving up tinkering with my game.

As a junior we were made acutely aware of our responsibilities when we were allowed into mens comps. Turn up unless it was an emergency/illness and make sure you contact the club asap if you can't play. Mark the card neatly. Play within the rules and observe the etiquettue of the game. Not exactly the most taxing of regime to live and play by.

We have a lot of juniors at out club and numbers are increasing thanks in the main to the club working hard on its academy programme http://www.royalascotgolfclub.co.uk/membership/golf-academy-membership.html

Seems to be a lot of over reaction to what seems a case of trying to pull a stroke which didn't work. A lesson learned perhaps

I normaly agree with just about everything you say Homer, however it appears that juniors and young adults pay a different rate to older players - which is the case at a lot of clubs in Bucks/Berks to attract younger players to the game. :)


Tour Winner
Sep 26, 2010
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Did you take refuge under the nearest tree?

Is there a rule that covers that?

2 Rules!

6-7 - Undue Delay; Slow Play

"The player must play without undue delay and in accordance with any pace of play guidelines that the Committee may establish. Between completion of a hole and playing from the next teeing ground, the player must not unduly delay play.

Match play – Loss of hole; Stroke play – Two strokes.
Bogey and par competitions – See Note 2 to Rule 32-1a.
Stableford competitions – See Note 2 to Rule 32-1b.
For subsequent offence – Disqualification."

6-8 - Discontinuance of Play; Resumption of Play

"a. When Permitted
The player must not discontinue play unless:
(i) the Committee has suspended play;
(ii) he believes there is danger from lightning;
(iii) he is seeking a decision from the Committee on a doubtful or disputed point (see Rules 2-5 and 34-3); or
(iv) there is some other good reason such as sudden illness.
Bad weather is not of itself a good reason for discontinuing play.
If the player discontinues play without specific permission from the Committee, he must report to the Committee as soon as practicable. If he does so and the Committee considers his reason satisfactory, there is no penalty. Otherwise, the player is disqualified.

Exception in match play: Players discontinuing match play by agreement are not subject to disqualification, unless by so doing the competition is delayed."

And a relevant decision

Decision 6-8a/2 Taking Shelter While Waiting to Play

"Q. In stroke play, a group preparing to start a hole is waiting for the group ahead to get out of range. May the group take shelter from the rain in a rain shelter close to the tee?

A. Yes, but the group must leave the shelter and resume play as soon as the group in front is out of range."

Coping with the weather, including playing on in torrential rain, is all part of the game!

Deleted member 1147

OK, so the guy gains an advantage by staying in the car a few minutes to avoid a rain shower. This is a breach of the rules he wasn't aware of.
The pro DQ's him - which I assume is the correct thing to do based on the rules quoted and all the vitriol.
But ban him & fine him?
No way.

I don't pay any fines at the golf club, no matter what the charity.
I pay £800 a year to play & enjoy golf, I will never pay a fine for going in a pond or bunker or because some ******** on a committee thinks he has the right to fine me. I choose what charity I give too not the golf club.
As for a ban - not really the way to encourage people to turn up and play, especially when so many golf clubs are struggling for members.
i can just picture the scene:
"sorry you're banned from competitions for x weeks for turning up to a comp late last week...oh and by the way we need people on the committee to help come up with advertising ideas for the club, and we are putting up fees 10% because with so few members we can't cover the overheads"

I've often thought that clubs should ascertain who wants to be on the committee and then not let them anywhere near it!