Major Champion
We start tomorrow on our Autumn greens tinning and seeding/dressing programme - email notification received today.We have a course maintenance plan in our handbook. If any body wants to know they can read it there. However like anything golf wise it depends on the weather and the number of staff we have.
We get prior notice of anything out of the ordinary planned such a course renovation and alteration.
I expect our Winter works programme to be published shortly. Much of what will be in it will depend upon how well our flooding mitigation works of the last 18 months, and those of the neighbouring farmer with whom we are working, succeed in managing such as the torrential downpours of the last week…continued with a 2hr deluge earlier today.
We got a works update coms email today - the work our neighbouring farmer has done over the summer to manage and contain water falling on his land, to hopefully prevent run off rainfall flowing onto the course, is very substantial and way beyond what the club was probably expecting. Plus we will continue to observe and monitor how successful what the council has done has been to free up the flow of water off the course other end from the farmer.
Major stuff. Speed of greens etc are way down my thinking as far as course management, setup and maintenance.