Course is Bone Dry - Temporarily Ban Smoking?


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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No Fire Brigade appliances in the station down the road from me. They will be out patrolling the heathland and commons all around us. There have been some pretty bad heathland fires around us in the past - one on Frensham Common starting 12th July July 2010 was particularly bad and extensive - the heathland has only now just about recovered. Mind you - it has provided a perfect 'scorched earth' setting for quite a few films over the years - and that is the actual ecological disaster of these fires.


Tour Rookie
Aug 28, 2013
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Fag ends are litter. Why do we pamper to idiots who litter the golf course? It makes sense to ban smoking on the course during this abnormally dry spell.

If you want to smoke while playing golf carry your own container and stick your fag end in it.

Courses could help by providing metal buckets/bins containing sand for fag ends much like many used in smoking areas at places of works.

Deleted member 15344

when i was in Cyprus i saw how quickly bush fires started out there and how devastating they could be if not caught quick - i remember when we doing an exercise in mid summer and being an "enemy" for a bunch of Pongos on warm weather training and we were on a hill - you could see them coming and this complete clown of a rodney decided to throw a flare despite being told the dangers - the dry grass where it landed caught fire immediately bu thankfully a couple of us could see what could happen and managed using jackets and our water to get it out quick - Our Sgt gave this plank a right earful ( he then attempted to charge him ) but that could have easily caused a fire miles wide in no matter of time and thats what a lot of golf courses will be like right now so any sensible one should be banning smoking right now - im sure people can survive without a fag for a little bit


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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Played on Friday in our pit golf day. We got to our 16th tee and there was a couple of nub ends just stubbed out on the floor. How people cannot se the dangers is beyond me.


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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As the focus for the cause of the Saddleworth fire has moved to a bonfire (& arson) that was reported less than an hour before the moor fire was reported I went to a few golf websites and horrified to see that while smoking is curtailed it makes no mention that bonfires are banned!

That can’t be good

Ok just flippant I know as its only prudent to have some fire risk measures, including the risk from smoking, but maybe not a devil smoker after all


Tour Winner
Dec 29, 2011
In the slow lane...
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As the focus for the cause of the Saddleworth fire has moved to a bonfire (& arson) that was reported less than an hour before the moor fire was reported I went to a few golf websites and horrified to see that while smoking is curtailed it makes no mention that bonfires are banned!

That can’t be good

Ok just flippant I know as its only prudent to have some fire risk measures, including the risk from smoking, but maybe not a devil smoker after all

Folk that might take the trouble to read notices will often dismiss the message as not being aimed at them...
As they know best...

Couple of open spaces near us which are popular for visitors during times of good weather...
Despite many notices saying open fires, BBQ's etc are banned...
There have total idiots ignoring said notices despite it being blindingly obvious the grass and surrounding undergrowth are tinder dry...


Head Pro
Jun 22, 2015
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To start a fire with a cigarette, you need a really good wind and very low humidity.
I could barely get a flame with a magnifying glass the other day with dry grass.
This thread took me Back to my arson teen days.
We used to set fire to pallets we stole off a building site in a tall dry grass field and throw Tesco value deodorant cans on it. I can’t remember any field going up and we could of had the fire brigade out every day.
Throwing cigarettes on petrol doesn’t work.

What does go up well though believe it or not, are conifers!

There’s certainly a small risk of fire, but being an ex smoker, a smoker will still smoke! A ban will achieve only hopefully more diligence.


Tour Winner
Aug 13, 2010
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To start a fire with a cigarette, you need a really good wind and very low humidity.
I could barely get a flame with a magnifying glass the other day with dry grass.
This thread took me Back to my arson teen days.
We used to set fire to pallets we stole off a building site in a tall dry grass field and throw Tesco value deodorant cans on it. I can’t remember any field going up and we could of had the fire brigade out every day.
Throwing cigarettes on petrol doesn’t work.

What does go up well though believe it or not, are conifers!

There’s certainly a small risk of fire, but being an ex smoker, a smoker will still smoke! A ban will achieve only hopefully more diligence.

we get called out to conifer fires all the time. they go up like roman candles. like you also said, getting a fire to start with a cigarette is very difficult

Deleted member 15344

As the focus for the cause of the Saddleworth fire has moved to a bonfire (& arson) that was reported less than an hour before the moor fire was reported I went to a few golf websites and horrified to see that while smoking is curtailed it makes no mention that bonfires are banned!

That can’t be good

Ok just flippant I know as its only prudent to have some fire risk measures, including the risk from smoking, but maybe not a devil smoker after all

You really have taken the smoking ban at certain courses to heart haven’t you - ignoring the fact that it’s going to be a touch safer on the course as well as helping your health in the longer run I really can’t see why anyone would have an issue with a course adding a smoking ban - I would actually like to see if permanent , it’s only going to have a positive affect on the course and people’s health

And who is going to start a bonfire on the course ? Really - only the ground staff at my place start bonfires and it’s only in the winter - i very much doubt any club needs to have a “no bonfire rule”

My club are also prob going to cancel the fireworks that were planned for sat evening Stars and Stripes Social function - again common sense


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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You really have taken the smoking ban at certain courses to heart haven’t you - ignoring the fact that it’s going to be a touch safer on the course as well as helping your health in the longer run I really can’t see why anyone would have an issue with a course adding a smoking ban - I would actually like to see if permanent , it’s only going to have a positive affect on the course and people’s health

And who is going to start a bonfire on the course ? Really - only the ground staff at my place start bonfires and it’s only in the winter - i very much doubt any club needs to have a “no bonfire rule”

My club are also prob going to cancel the fireworks that were planned for sat evening Stars and Stripes Social function - again common sense

1st Bold, I didn't ignore it, try reading the post (to help its the bit where I say "its only prudent to have some fire risk measures, including the risk from smoking"

2nd bold, See its that 'tar all smokers with the same brush' thing again (see what I did there using the word Tar.. no probably not) Anyway just because there's inconsiderate smokers doesn't mean we all are. If we followed that logic no one would ever visit Liverpool

3rd bold I wasn't serious about bonfires, try reading the post (to help its the bit where I say "Ok just flippant I know")



Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
Our course has posted "Due to the dry conditions and the fire hazard they cause we thank you for not smoking on the course" signs up all over the place. Don't seem to bother the smokers much. Lady I played with on Sunday smoked like a chimney the whole way round. In her defence: She did use an ashtray atttached to her trolley. Still, I don't know where people find the nerve to just disregard the signs. I would die of shame.

Lord Tyrion

Money List Winner
Sep 9, 2014
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Our course has posted "Due to the dry conditions and the fire hazard they cause we thank you for not smoking on the course" signs up all over the place. Don't seem to bother the smokers much. Lady I played with on Sunday smoked like a chimney the whole way round. In her defence: She did use an ashtray atttached to her trolley. Still, I don't know where people find the nerve to just disregard the signs. I would die of shame.

An ashtray attached to her trolley, that is a serious smoker. I bet she is the one German who crosses the road when the person is on red, a real rule breaker :D


Journeyman Pro
Jan 23, 2014
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Our course has posted "Due to the dry conditions and the fire hazard they cause we thank you for not smoking on the course" signs up all over the place. Don't seem to bother the smokers much. Lady I played with on Sunday smoked like a chimney the whole way round. In her defence: She did use an ashtray atttached to her trolley. Still, I don't know where people find the nerve to just disregard the signs. I would die of shame.
That’s not a ban though is it ! .the sign should read” No smoking by order of The committee “
Anyone caught should be asked to leave the course.


Journeyman Pro
Nov 4, 2015
That’s not a ban though is it ! .the sign should read” No smoking by order of The committee “
Anyone caught should be asked to leave the course.

Valid point. Especially in Germany. If you want people to not do something you really have to say: "X is forbidden under the penalty of Y". A simple "Please don't do that" or "Thank you for not doing that" is never going to cut it. Drives me nuts, though. Why can't people just be consderate?