Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Journeyman Pro
Aug 12, 2012
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''a view or judgement formed about something, not necessarily based on fact or knowledge.''

Conspiracy theory...
''a theory that rejects the standard explanation for an event and instead credits a covert group or organization with carrying out a secret plot''

Well googled…

There is literally no difference between the above except for motive.

Strip motive away away and it’s still just opinions.

Which is what I’ve said all along.


I’m done.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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I’m not sure.

They are both just opinions based on a both persons knowledge of a subject, plus a healthy dose of bias (on both sides).

Also. There are differing degrees of this stuff.

Those who think covid is spread via 5g / vaccinations have chips in / the lizard people did it!

Is a looooong way away from stating the government may use this new (and very real) variant as a way to increase vaccinations levels through some good old fashioned scare mongering.

Vaccinations are the way out of this so if they did seek to gain some opportunity from this new crisis, is that really the same as believing the earth is flat?

You fundamentally misunderstand, or mischaracterise, what a conspiracy theory is. It is not a healthy dose of scepticism, as I think you mean. Nor is it an equal balance to the scientific view. Nor indeed is the scientific view simply an "opinion".

Conspiracy theories almost almost have a reason behind them, political opposition or partisan self-interest, and they recruit those who are easily riled, and/or simply don't understand, or really care about, the issues. More importantly, they do a lot of harm. Don't be that guy.


Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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You realise that this is just an internet forum hosted by the website of a golf magazine?
I don't think the moderators are capable of purging your beliefs from existence - just from their internet forum, hosted by the website of a golf magazine.

Exactly. It's like allowing any view to be aired by standing on a soapbox in public, but not allowing it to be done in my house.
Much as I admire Voltaire, the damage done by loonies on social media far outweighs the benefits of where we would be if social media didn't exist.
It's an opinion I have reluctantly had to accept.?


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Apologies if this has been answered before but what studies are there showing wearing of masks actually rescue transmission ?

I fail to see how the wafer thin paper surgical masks actually stop a virus ?
Is it just a sort of placebo affect where if someone is wearing a mask/ facecovering you tend to distance yourself more from them ?

I'd be interested if there are any links you can point me towards.

This has been asked, and answered, before. Plenty available from reputable organisations and sources on line.

I don't get the opposition to masks. It is a zero risk intervention, and you are being asked by owners of shops and other buildings to wear one. Why would you not, at least as an act of common courtesy, do so? I just don't get it.

In terms of the broader question of evidence, there are usually various levels of evidence available, and these combine to inform a judgment.

The first thing is that randomised controlled trials are not necessarily needed if something stands to reason. There is no RCT that falling out of an airplane with a parachute offers better outcomes than falling out without one. But it kinda stands to reason. It also stands to reason that covering your nose and mouth might change the nature of what you breathe out. Some masks are better than others, clearly, but as part of a multi-layer strategy with vaccination, social distancing and ventilation, it seems reasonable they might have an effect. You may believe they don't do much, but what's the harm?

It is also worth noting that countries with established mask practices, for example in Asia, have much lower rates of infection, despite high occupancy multi-generational household.

Finally, there is a behavioural aspect. Masks provide a visible warning to practice caution. Not everybody responds to that, but some do, and a little bit of each of a range of strategies add up.
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Well-known member
Nov 19, 2018
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Apologies if this has been answered before but what studies are there showing wearing of masks actually rescue transmission ?

I fail to see how the wafer thin paper surgical masks actually stop a virus ?
Is it just a sort of placebo affect where if someone is wearing a mask/ facecovering you tend to distance yourself more from them ?

I'd be interested if there are any links you can point me towards.

Just google ....PM 2.5 filter.....

Fade and Die

Medal Winner
Apr 12, 2014
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I’m not sure.

They are both just opinions based on a both persons knowledge of a subject, plus a healthy dose of bias (on both sides).

Also. There are differing degrees of this stuff.

Those who think covid is spread via 5g / vaccinations have chips in / the lizard people did it!

Is a looooong way away from stating the government may use this new (and very real) variant as a way to increase vaccinations levels through some good old fashioned scare mongering.

Vaccinations are the way out of this so if they did seek to gain some opportunity from this new crisis, is that really the same as believing the earth is flat?

Well the surface of the Earth is 75% water and it’s uncarbonated so you could say that the Earth is flat. ?

Deleted member 21258


The first thing is that randomised controlled trials are not necessarily needed if something stands to reason. There is no RCT that falling out of an airplane with a parachute offers better outcomes than falling out without one. But it kinda stands to reason. It also stands to reason that covering your nose and mouth might change the nature of what you breathe out. Snipe

Let's compare the Bangladesh RCT of masking to the parachute. Look at that
two things that could never have been tested in RCT!



Deleted member 21258

They mentioned this study on the radio but I can't find a link for it.

I don't wish to enter the discussion this time over masks, so not posting up links, its not a great subject to discuss over the internet due to the polar opposite of opinions over them. To compare masks to parachutes I just thought was a bit extreme, so posted the above as a bit of light humour.

Google or twitter is your friend, and there are plenty of links to the papers or commentary on the RCT (and other mask studies in lab and real world)

I'm happy to go with the flow on masks and I wear a N99.


Journeyman Pro
Feb 20, 2013
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Pretty sure that if a tax was raised on the anti vaxxers it would/ could be argued as justifiable as the tax on cigarettes and alcohol.. simple monitoring via medical records.. take the tax and then let them claim it back if they have a valid reason.

Probably set you all off now .. I will get my coat.


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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Let's compare the Bangladesh RCT of masking to the parachute. Look at that
two things that could never have been tested in RCT!

View attachment 39711


Sorry, is there a scientific point there?

The point I was making is that scientific evidence occurs on different dimensions, which can be pieced together to form a policy decision. I don't know the details of this "study" which you refer to, but any sensible interpretation would need more than one small graphic. It would also need to be interpreted in the context of other studies which aggregate, sometime in meta analyses, to inform a more reliable opinion.

The other, pragmatic, approach is to estimate what the benefit risk is. The only risk of masks is bruising of your libertarian expectation to do whatever the F you want whether it hurts anybody else or not. Any reasonable person would conclude that there may, at least, be a benefit to wearing a mask as part of a package of measures, so what's the harm.