Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Q-School Graduate
Jan 3, 2012
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I can't answer that. It is always preferable to use more recent and reliable data, but anyway you do it, predicting what is about to happen has a large measure of uncertainty attached, especially when the factors which influence the short term have already taken place and you are in the dead time waiting for that to translate into cases.

But does it really matter? If people are told there are going to be 2000, 5000, 10000 more cases, and 100,200, 500 deaths a day, how does their behaviour change across that scale? Is there a point where they say 'well, 100 deaths a day is acceptable so I can still go to the pub, but gee, 2000 a day is bad. I'll stay at home'?

The public does not have a good feel for what these numbers actually mean. They look at a 1% risk and see a 99% chance that it will be alright, not realising that the 1% repeats. The message needs to be simple, that the NHS will be overwhelmed and the economy, their job, the pubs and shops, will not be opened until people get their act together.

To an extent I agree however could you not argue that by being a little more positive with the numbers that people might actually buy in to the whole thing more? It appeared that the Tiered system was having an affect and the numbers were coming down so maybe people would have felt that the restrictions were actually having an impact and so worth sticking to as an end would be in sight. By showing data that is potentially out of date and that everything is out of control then people may resign themselves to nothing is working so what is the point in trying etc.


Journeyman Pro
Jun 20, 2010
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His response was measured and informative from a position of knowledge and aimed entirely at refuting inaccuracies in your own statements.

You’re simply offended at the fact someone is questioning you which is something you’ve repeatedly shown form for.

absolute rubbish. I was giving an opinion, My opinion. Anything is hard to back up in relation to covid and the stats are often meaningless. You can rubbish aleged facts with facts but not an opinion!


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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absolute rubbish. I was giving an opinion, My opinion. Anything is hard to back up in relation to covid and the stats are often meaningless. You can rubbish aleged facts with facts but not an opinion!
Does that mean we are back to 'belief'...? Ah well. So be it. But it feels that you are not offering anything substantive on how the NHS would be able to cope were a 'protect the vulnerable and let it rip' strategy adopted.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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This might be a daft question - but has exercised my wife as she is a real stickler for the rules.

She and I go for a walk. When we are out we meet our daughter - also out for a walk. Now she is one individual from another household so I think she can join us. OK. Now my daughter is out for a walk. She meets me and my wife also out for a walk. We are two individuals from another household and so I think that we can't join her. Eh?


Jun 20, 2018
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This might be a daft question - but has exercised my wife as she is a real stickler for the rules.

She and I go for a walk. When we are out we meet our daughter - also out for a walk. Now she is one individual from another household so I think she can join us. OK. Now my daughter is out for a walk. She meets me and my wife also out for a walk. We are two individuals from another household and so I think that we can't join her. Eh?

1 person can meet 1 other person... its pretty easy.


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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1 person can meet 1 other person... its pretty easy.
Ah right. I though it was that individuals in a household could meet up with one individual from another household.

So when me and my wife are out for a walk we - as a pair - cannot join up with our daughter. But if my wife goes out for a walk and I wander along behind - then she and my daughter can join up - and I must keep my distance and not mingle...which is OK but obviously a bit daft as anything my daughter passes to my wife she will pass to me So my daughter might as well pass it to me...
Last edited:


Jun 20, 2018
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Ah right. So when me and my wife are out for a walk we - as a pair - cannot join up with our daughter. But if my wife goes out for a walk and I wander along behind 0- then she and my daughter can join up - and I must keep my distance and not mingle...which is a bit daft as anything my daughter passes to my wife my wife will pass to me So my daughter might as well pass it to me...


Nov 16, 2011
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I am not missing the point at all, you cited Sweden as an example of things being done better, and I refuted it. People need to get off this false idea that Sweden had a good lockdown. They didn't. They had a disaster. Their situation is, in many ways, not comparable to us but if you think it is, so too are New Zealand or South Korea. They locked down hard and had much better case and death rates than either the UK or Sweden.
As a Kiwi, I've followed NZ's reaction to the virus. Its approach has certainly kept the virus out, buit at ajn enormous cost (tourism etc) that has not been fully quantified (yet). That cost has also been 'balanced' by the 'savings' of hospital care (and the bureaucracy involved in planning, setup etc). But the entire population is still 'at risk' shbould an outbreak happen. Until a vaccine is available, the country is still susceptable to an outbreak - with no less dire consequences than elsewhere. Fortunately, Kiwis are (imo) generally much more inclined to trust what their government says - and obey the rules!


Jul 11, 2009
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absolute rubbish. I was giving an opinion, My opinion. Anything is hard to back up in relation to covid and the stats are often meaningless. You can rubbish aleged facts with facts but not an opinion!
Thing is though it’s not rubbish. It’s a medical professional with expertise in the field. And you seem to be just buying into certain conspiracy theories which are easily debunked.


Nov 16, 2011
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absolute rubbish. I was giving an opinion, My opinion. Anything is hard to back up in relation to covid and the stats are often meaningless. You can rubbish aleged facts with facts but not an opinion!
Er..Perhaps you should provide some facts (even alleged ones) that back up your opinion! And, FWIW, I'm not suggesting any opinion is wrong/less based on 'facts'!


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Ah right. I though it was that individuals in a household could meet up with one individual from another household.

So when me and my wife are out for a walk we - as a pair - cannot join up with our daughter. But if my wife goes out for a walk and I wander along behind - then she and my daughter can join up - and I must keep my distance and not mingle...which is OK but obviously a bit daft as anything my daughter passes to my wife she will pass to me So my daughter might as well pass it to me...

Why would your daughter pass the virus to your wife?


Occasional Tour Caddy
Nov 20, 2011
Port Louis
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Well if my daughter was a carrier it is possible/likely(?) that she would pass it to my wife as they'd be walking together. Though I guess as long as they keep 2m apart the risk is low.

Then the real problem is what did your wife/daughter/both do wrong in order for it to pass from one to the other?
(That would be of greater concern to me in your scenario)


Major Champion
Jul 24, 2012
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Then the real problem is what did your wife/daughter/both do wrong in order for it to pass from one to the other?
(That would be of greater concern to me in your scenario)
They get too close when walking. But that said - to date we have been very diligent in our adherence to the rules in our meetings with our daughter (who lives not 2 miles from us). Like everyone is experiencing, we do find it sad and difficult that we haven't been able to give her a peck on the cheek or hug in greeting since March as she has been very supportive of us through difficult family times...but we know that we are well down that spectrum compared with the many who cannot do similar with those close who are in care or in hospital.