Coronavirus - how is it/has it affected you?


Nov 16, 2011
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I've looked further on the ONS site and found the attached link that shows infections by age groups that traces through November and there indeed is a significant dip in infection rates. It's not pertinent to the discussion I had with the previous poster though.
So no obvious reason for the increase, though it may be related to return to school.
The result from CMOs was to offer vaccination to that age group - alegedly to counter disruption of education - where they had previously deemed vaccination 'unnecessary'/benefits marginal.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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I had the Moderna after 2 x Pfizer. Slight dead arm for a while, nowt else.

The Moderna vax may be the most effective of them all. If I were an AZ recipient, I'd want it.

@Ethan , as someone who has had two AZ & is due a booster, can I please ask why you say that, as I was leaning towards the Pfizer given the other results I'd seen? Thanks.


Money List Winner
Oct 26, 2011
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Upper arm started to tingle a bit last night..woke up this morning and i can barely move it..
Thats work and golf gone for the day...:mad::poop:

Is that Moderna? Guy who runs the halfway hut at golf said his arm was really sore for a week. Jab booked for 12.05...yikes! Mind you no golf until Thursday...


Money List Winner
Jun 30, 2009
Bearwood Lakes, Berks
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@Ethan , as someone who has had two AZ & is due a booster, can I please ask why you say that, as I was leaning towards the Pfizer given the other results I'd seen? Thanks.

Data was published recently on the effects of mixed vax regimes. The optimal regime was either all Moderna or 2 x Pfizer plus Moderna. 2 x AZ was good but not as good as either 2 x Moderna or Pfizer, but was boosted very well by a Moderna or Pfizer booster. It was quite a small difference between the two, but Moderna slightly better. For 2 x Pfizer, less need for a booster, but best most came from a Moderna, but another Pfizer good too.

In your situation, getting an mRNA booster of either flavour gives a very good benefit.

Blue in Munich

Crocked Professional Yeti Impersonator
Jan 12, 2013
Worcester Park
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Data was published recently on the effects of mixed vax regimes. The optimal regime was either all Moderna or 2 x Pfizer plus Moderna. 2 x AZ was good but not as good as either 2 x Moderna or Pfizer, but was boosted very well by a Moderna or Pfizer booster. It was quite a small difference between the two, but Moderna slightly better. For 2 x Pfizer, less need for a booster, but best most came from a Moderna, but another Pfizer good too.

In your situation, getting an mRNA booster of either flavour gives a very good benefit.

Thanks Ethan. Would you say the difference is worth seeking out a Moderna booster for (checking the walk in sites tells you what they have), or just take either mRNA?


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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My 11 year old son tested positive this morning, no symptoms at all, my wife a teacher will be back in class tomorrow as she shows no symptoms and been double vaxxed, my other son has been vaxxed and will be back in school. I shall have to work from home. We have been really careful but seems you cannot avoid it under current rules. Son is still negative under his lateral flow test.

My son eldest, I and wife have also had PCR tests today with results due back tomorrow. None of us have any symptoms of any sort. If we don't have it I cannot see how we don't get it though.


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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My 11 year old son tested positive this morning, no symptoms at all, my wife a teacher will be back in class tomorrow as she shows no symptoms and been double vaxxed, my other son has been vaxxed and will be back in school. I shall have to work from home. We have been really careful but seems you cannot avoid it under current rules. Son is still negative under his lateral flow test.

My son eldest, I and wife have also had PCR tests today with results due back tomorrow. None of us have any symptoms of any sort. If we don't have it I cannot see how we don't get it though.
I'd like to give a shout out to all parents and children for what they've had to endure over the last 18months - 2years.
Take my 8year old grandson, him and 15others have Covid plus his two teachers at school. And also his 6 year old sister
and dad, mum is waiting for results of PCR test. They've had to cancel everything planned for the next 10days, how frustrating.
I know it's the same scenario for most parents and is such a sad way of life for them all.

Sad rant over!


Nov 16, 2011
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My 11 year old son tested positive this morning, no symptoms at all, my wife a teacher will be back in class tomorrow as she shows no symptoms and been double vaxxed, my other son has been vaxxed and will be back in school. I shall have to work from home. We have been really careful but seems you cannot avoid it under current rules. Son is still negative under his lateral flow test.

My son eldest, I and wife have also had PCR tests today with results due back tomorrow. None of us have any symptoms of any sort. If we don't have it I cannot see how we don't get it though.
Do you not think it would be wise - for the sake of 1 day - for her to wait until her PCR test results are available? Symptoms are, I believe, suppressed by vax, so she could be infected - so could potentially be the cause of significant spread! As you posted, you 'cannot see how we don't get it', so she is a potential spreader to other (potential) spreaders!


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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Do you not think it would be wise - for the sake of 1 day - for her to wait until her PCR test results are available? Symptoms are, I believe, suppressed by vax, so she could be infected - so could potentially be the cause of significant spread!

You can only go by the guidelines though, I mean my mother in law works in a school she had a postive case in her office. So had to pcr..came back negative but next day the head came back positive and she had been working with her all that day so again another PCR (negative) had to go in at all times

Its mad tho. I could have covid yet my wife can go into work and infect a load of kids


Nov 16, 2011
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You can only go by the guidelines though, I mean my mother in law works in a school she had a postive case in her office. So had to pcr..came back negative but next day the head came back positive and she had been working with her all that day so again another PCR (negative) had to go in at all times

Its mad tho. I could have covid yet my wife can go into work and infect a load of kids
I would have thought that it would be worthwhile - in these situations - to have the Antigen test (even though less 'reliable') to catch infection before the opportunity to spread arises! Schools seem to be an/the environment with obvious potential to spread the virus!


Journeyman Pro
Jan 28, 2013
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Further dealings today with the shambles that is Test and Trace. Due to my positive test they phoned me to run through all of the questions with me again, including all the personal details for everyone in the house. I said that they should have all of those details as I'd given them on Wednesday when they phoned me about my son and surely my positive result should be linked to his case. I was told that cases don't get linked together. How on earth can they accurately track an outbreak if you aren't linking directly related cases together? She kept asking me about any close contacts I'd had or anywhere I'd been and couldn't or wouldn't accept that I didn't have any. My son tested positive on Tuesday last week and I took him for a PCR test. I tested positive on Saturday morning and went for a PCR test myself and that's it. I haven't left the house apart from that.


Journeyman Pro
Apr 1, 2016
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I would have thought that it would be worthwhile - in these situations - to have the Antigen test (even though less 'reliable') to catch infection before the opportunity to spread arises! Schools seem to be an/the environment with obvious potential to spread the virus!

Every lateral flow done comes up negative in the situation my mother in law had

Always do a lft at the first point but if that's negative and your waiting for PCR your hands are tied if you can't work from home


Head Pro
Sep 21, 2016
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Do you not think it would be wise - for the sake of 1 day - for her to wait until her PCR test results are available? Symptoms are, I believe, suppressed by vax, so she could be infected - so could potentially be the cause of significant spread! As you posted, you 'cannot see how we don't get it', so she is a potential spreader to other (potential) spreaders!

We agree (The Wife and I), but the guidelines from the school, track and trace and the government are come in unless you are positive and we won't know that until tomorrow, hopefully.

My work office policy is not to come in until no one in the home has it any longer so I will be working from home for the next 10 days at least.


Tour Winner
Apr 2, 2009
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Further dealings today with the shambles that is Test and Trace. Due to my positive test they phoned me to run through all of the questions with me again, including all the personal details for everyone in the house. I said that they should have all of those details as I'd given them on Wednesday when they phoned me about my son and surely my positive result should be linked to his case. I was told that cases don't get linked together. How on earth can they accurately track an outbreak if you aren't linking directly related cases together? She kept asking me about any close contacts I'd had or anywhere I'd been and couldn't or wouldn't accept that I didn't have any. My son tested positive on Tuesday last week and I took him for a PCR test. I tested positive on Saturday morning and went for a PCR test myself and that's it. I haven't left the house apart from that.

My daughter had similar with track and trace. They asked about her daughter and who she had close contact with. She said the other children in her class- "What are their contact details". Apart from a few she doesn't know others details. "But who was she in close contact with and their details". How is she supposed to know her actual movements during the day. And that was after she went through the same questions for her son a few days earlier.
Very frustrating!