Chipping from an uphill lie?


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Really struggling with this, can't seem to get the right feel or distance when on a decent hill. Had a short game lesson recently which has helped a great deal but this shot just feels odd.
Anyone got any tips regarding stance and style of shot?


Money List Winner
Apr 7, 2012
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Really struggling with this, can't seem to get the right feel or distance when on a decent hill. Had a short game lesson recently which has helped a great deal but this shot just feels odd.
Anyone got any tips regarding stance and style of shot?
I tend to use a 7-8 or 9 rather than a wedge.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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Really struggling with this, can't seem to get the right feel or distance when on a decent hill. Had a short game lesson recently which has helped a great deal but this shot just feels odd.
Anyone got any tips regarding stance and style of shot?

Few things worth thinking about. As it's going a ways uphill whatever club you use it means the ball is going to go with the slope so it'll be launching as ways higher than that club would normally launch on a level lie.

Not always a good idea to always reach for the LW, SW etc. as with the extra height from the slope the ball won't go as far forward as a general rule, but fly higher & stop a ways quicker on landing also. So you're initial landing point will probably need to be nearer the pin than a similar shot on level ground.

As the slope is uphill the club in it's swing will come in contact sooner with the ground so you gotta be careful with ball position, center or just back of center, as if you're not careful you'll catch the ground & hit it heavy.

Because of the slope you'll need the stance to mirror the angle of the slope, shoulders, hips need the same 'slope' angle at address, plus better not to get the hands ahead at address over much, you only want a tad of forward leaning shaft.

As they're small distance shots, you don't want or need extra distance from a really active wrist hinge & release, distance best governing by length of arm swing being totally connected, governed by the body turn.
The hands are just soft to there's a little give going back so you get an angle in the right hand, but you want really to keep this right hand angle into impact, you get better consistent contact & more consistent distance control, this right hand angle only releases after the strike.

Also because of the slope you don't want any sway right or weight transfer right down the slope, if the weight goes right (down slope) because of this slope the weight will stay right & then you stand a good chance of a top, thin or complete miss.
So the body turn & arm swing back needs to be counterbalanced by the weight remaining on the left leg this also helps keep the posture the same height so you get solid contact.


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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Or, you can do the opposite (which I prefer)

Ball in the centre of the feet.
Feet 2'' apart.
Lean into the slope slightly so most of the weight is on the uphill foot.
Then take your PW/SW and hit down on the ball.
Be aware there will be virtually no follow through and the ball flight will be lower than normal for the club used.
This shot is especially good if you have a lot of green to work with as the ball will run more.

Try both techniques and decide which is easiest for you then practice, practice, practice.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Thanks for the replies. I do tend to have my weight on the front foot but I ALWAYS leave them short, it's very rare I run the ball past the hole. I do like a good 7 or 8 iron around the green but I've been using PW a lot lately with the greens getting faster.
Plenty to work on :thup: