Captain Hook


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
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Here's a video of my swing back in July so not much will have changed since then.
I've struggled with hooks massively this year, to the point where I was seriously considering jacking in playing.
They come from nowhere, I generally play with a fade but boom, out of the blue a hook which can go left across 2 fairways :rolleyes:

Hope this link works as I can't seem to embed a video file...

As you can see my transition is, well minimal to say the least, so there's very little room for error. The shot here starts kind of middle but turns right to left, I've hit it into the tress on the left a few times when Mr Hook is in town.
I seem to come down too steep on the bad shots like I'm throwing from the top, maybe a better trained eye can see this in the vid, how do I stop doing it? I've tried slowing down my swing, pausing at the top but I can't, it seems I'm born with this tempo and I have to stick with it.
If it's relevant my divots range between 11 and 10 o clock, I get away with it a lot with shorter irons but can be destructive with longer clubs where the club face gets closed at impact and kabooom, I'm walking 100 yards left for my next shot.
I really am at the end of my tether with this as it's ruined many good cards this year, I've had lessons in the past and some pros just give generic drills (headcover etc) but they don't work for me.

Help :whoo:


Major Champion
Feb 2, 2009
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You look to me to be rolling your forearms on the takeaway.


Note how Luke's club head is 'toe down' parallel with his posture


Whereas yours is 'toe up'

Try and feel the right thumb stays on top of the shaft on the takeaway and doesn't roll round to the right


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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you able to load up a face-on swing motion viewpoint

hard to tell for sure from just this particular video but looking at it seems possible that there's something else goin down with the trail arm motion in the takeback/backswing - as the 'set' happens looks like the trail arm motion is narrowing down some & maybes the pivot/shoulder turn not gettin to 90º


Ryder Cup Winner
Jan 7, 2012
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One of the nicest swings I've seen posted on here.

Can you not post that in 1080p. the picture quality isn't great.


Money List Winner
Apr 28, 2013
Gateshead, Tyne & Wear
Visit site
you able to load up a face-on swing motion viewpoint

hard to tell for sure from just this particular video but looking at it seems possible that there's something else goin down with the trail arm motion in the takeback/backswing - as the 'set' happens looks like the trail arm motion is narrowing down some & maybes the pivot/shoulder turn not gettin to 90º

I don't do a full 90 degree shoulder turn, I always feel out of control when I try and go fully round and shots go pretty much anywhere.


Journeyman Pro
Jan 27, 2014
Monterey, California
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I think I see where you're coming from, time to do some slo mo stuff to try and get the feel.

if you get a chance to re-do the dtl with a tad better quality plus a face-on

meantime if you looking a some slo-mo stuff - would consider video-ing that so you can see exactly what's goin on to get a mental picture so re-inforce the 'feel' - or at very least using a mirror or big picture window

a sequence worth having a look at would be setting up to driver ball position (or a marker of) & making the turn to the top where you feel the lead shoulder rotates down & back as the lead hand moves & not rotating the trail palm upwards towards sky while 'feelin' you keep the trail arm pretty straight allowing the continued rotation of the trail shoulder along with the 'hands set' to more govern the trail arm fold (meaning not thinking about an 'active trail arm bend' as you go back to the top)

should feel a tad more width to the backswing
this takeback/backswing move doesn't have to be super slo at all works better at more natural speed
but then just stop at the top

then the drill slo-mo part starts from that still top position just feel a slight weight pressure transfer to the lead leg while keeping the back to target arms club still at the top of the swing (they(arms etc) will move a tad with the slight weight bump

- but as dealing with driver swing here that weight bump has just taken the weight lead to trail at about 50:50 the hips now will be near back to square/parallel to ball/target line
in the drill keeping the weight at 50:50 - head stays trailside of ball
bring the arms/club down to the trail elbow in front of trail hip shaft around parallel to toe line & horizontal to ground - to bring the arms down the lead shoulder will need to rotate away from the chin a tad - it's important in doing this the lead shoulder stays low

if you can make a bunch of passes to complete/see & feel these 2 segments (backswing to top - stop & slo-mo to stop at trail elbow just in front/opposite of trail hip
from that position just make a tad of a 'pump' move with the hands/arms around 6" motion back up & use that momentum to then rotate clear hip rotate upper body & take hands/arms/club through impact position to swing finish - feel you're accelerating hips/body/arms/club through impact against a firm lead leg

lot less complicated than it no doubt all sounds here if you just take time to work through it all - it's a drill that folks will have seen your recent winner 'rosey' do many times on the tee-box whenever he's playing while waiting their groups time to hit - {he'll take the club to the top - pause - then bring the club back down to horizontal to ground & pause - then small pump move to get little momentum - then turn & swing through his impact position}

one important factor with the final swing through impact from halfways (shaft horizontal) is if you were looking at this from face on the lead hip joint would be inside of the lead foot - means lead leg is angled slightly aways from target
this is what helps the clubhead to shallow out with the AoA then being 'up'

it's in this final segment here with everything turning hard through impact (with the driver) that the weight pressure finally ends up majorly on the leadside