Britain is overweight.


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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A study of kids in Iran, not too sure how they’d compare with UK kids for diet etc and access to fast food.

Not denying some parents of obese kids will be obese, but no link to them being lazy and stopping at the parents proves nothing.

This issue has risen over the last 50-60yrs and these lazy obese parents got their attitude to health and healthy eating from someone else.
It's the same in the UK. Frankly, I'd be amazed if it was different anywhere.
I have to say, I merely observed that there was a link and that we are not really doing anything to break it. I certainly didn't use any pejorative language. Personally, I think it's a human tragedy. If there's one thing we can see from the thread, it's that losing weight is really hard and prevention is likely far more effective than cure.


Nov 16, 2011
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I've lost interest.
Tiny amount of Bowmore does that to me. Lovely feeling.
Can feel slightly 'single dimension-ish' for me, but certainly gives a good feeling!
Try a Lagavulin for a slightly more 'rounded' taste.
Bowmore before evening meal; Lagavulin before retiring to bed approaches perfection!


Journeyman Pro
May 14, 2014
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I'm no saint, not slim nor a healthy weight....but I'm happy and my mind is in a comfortable place.
I work in the very well heeled boroughs of London, and the difference is obvious. Those with money are the slim ones, those in the poorer boroughs aren't.

It's ok critising those who do eat the junk food or over-indulge, but how many on here have used the "Just Eats" of this World?.
We live in the "instant"time frame now, and thats something we all have to take responsiblity for.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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I walk around Reading on the way home or Bracknell town centre and sadly you see large parents feeding their kids burgers, donuts or other crap. It's a self repeating cycle. The parents were probably brought up similarly on pizza, chips etc and so have got the same eating habits and this is what they are teaching the kids. The kids will do the same when they grow up. It is scary to see how many younger (20 and upwards) patients we get coming through the unit at work that are obese or morbidly obese and how many have diabetes as a co-morbidity. More than a ticking timebomb and something that will stretch the NHS in the next few years and beyond
I'm quite surprised at the number of obese people dressed in scrubs you see in hospitals.

Deleted member 16999

Tangentially. I’d like to talk about food poverty but can’t without it becoming political.
Same here, but there’s also the point that a lot of those needing to use it don’t get much choice when it comes to healthy options.


Ryder Cup Winner
Sep 12, 2011
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There's a degree of genetics involved in people's weight and health. All my predecessors on my Mother's side of the family have lived well into their nineties even though I never saw any of them go to a gym or take any regular exercise. They also never ate any degree of processed food but I believe they had good genes which isn't something we can change by lifestyle, however we can all make the best of what we have by looking after ourselves.


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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Same here, but there’s also the point that a lot of those needing to use it don’t get much choice when it comes to healthy options.

Indeed. Honestly I sometimes well up in the supermarket looking at those food bank donation crates. The combination of people trying to do a good thing, the rubbish that’s put in them and the fact that THEY SHOULDN’T EXIST in the first place tears me apart.

Deleted member 1740

Indeed. Honestly I sometimes well up in the supermarket looking at those food bank donation crates. The combination of people trying to do a good thing, the rubbish that’s put in them and the fact that THEY SHOULDN’T EXIST in the first place tears me apart.

I remember listening to a guy from the NE being interviewed on radio 5 and he was talking about voting conservative and he was asked” would you vote for them again “ he replied “ yes, they’ve done great things like the introduction of food banks“ I nearly crashed the van.