Britain is overweight.


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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You could try the 'NHS'. The Natural Health Service.
All you need is a good pair of walking boots, waterproofs and an O/S map to discover a network of rural paths in your area.
You will find peace without pace and it will help regulate your weight..
Even winter walking is great. Have you been watching the series on TV recently?

Psst. Rooter is probably one of the fittest people who post here. ?

Deleted member 16999

Yes that's what they try to instill in us. First time was a golf trip to Wales for 3 days, felt bad and said to my trainer and he said don't be stupid. But it's hard when you feel as though your not doing what you feel you should be doing.
The 3 days was a reward for your initial efforts, plan a treat or reward to keep you motivated and positive.??

Deleted member 23270

'A few carrots and spuds' isn't a meal is it? You'd want to pair that with a fresh chicken breast, or salmon, etc if you were making something. I'm saying for poor families with kids there's too much incentive to buy frozen oven food in bulk as it's much more cost-effective.
It's a meal to a vegan.


Money List Winner
Jan 30, 2012
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You could try the 'NHS'. The Natural Health Service.
All you need is a good pair of walking boots, waterproofs and an O/S map to discover a network of rural paths in your area.
You will find peace without pace and it will help regulate your weight..
Even winter walking is great. Have you been watching the series on TV recently?

PS, that's me in my profile avatar having just run a 3hr 34 minute marathon. :ROFLMAO:


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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While it's great to see the efforts being made here, the reality is that this just can't be extrapolated to the general population. We were thin in the 70s because food was expensive, there were very few takeaways and cheap sugar hadn't been invented. Literally the only thing that can work nowadays is rationing. We (the UK, not middle aged golfers) are doomed :cry: .

Deleted member 16999

I wonder what % of obese children have obese and or lazy parents, I bet it's quite high.
Probably the same % that have obese and lazy grandparents and great grandparents.

Voyager EMH

Slipper Wearing Plucker of Pheasants
Mar 14, 2021
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Just eaten,

3-egg mushroom omelette, spud, baby plum tomatoes, bit of beetroot.
Tesco summer fruit mix (comes in a big bag for the freezer) and some plain yoghurt.

Fairly typical nosebag for me 'n 'er.
No meat, no wheat, no added sugar, very low fat. Other meals might contain all or some of these. We don't miss out. We are not "on a diet".

Planning on having one tipple of Bowmore later.
Last edited:


Journeyman Pro
May 15, 2014
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Tesco summer fruit mix (comes in a big bag for the freezer) and some plain yoghurt.

Fairly typical nosebag for me 'n 'er.
No meat, no wheat, no sugar, very low fat. Other meals might contain all or some of these. We don't miss out. We are not "on a diet".

No sugar? What’s the fruit?


Tour Rookie
May 3, 2011
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Or take the easy option and make broad brush generalisation statements that mean absolutely zilch.(y)
It's easy, cos it's what happens...
To summarise "After adjusting for confounders, overweight and/or obesity in students of both genders was found to be significantly associated with parental overweight and/or obesity"
The question is if course, what's to be done. It's interesting to compare public health policy in this area to another which will probably cause far fewer quantity life years to be lost.


Hall of Famer
Aug 6, 2007
Bracknell - Berkshire
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I wonder what % of obese children have obese and or lazy parents, I bet it's quite high.

I walk around Reading on the way home or Bracknell town centre and sadly you see large parents feeding their kids burgers, donuts or other crap. It's a self repeating cycle. The parents were probably brought up similarly on pizza, chips etc and so have got the same eating habits and this is what they are teaching the kids. The kids will do the same when they grow up. It is scary to see how many younger (20 and upwards) patients we get coming through the unit at work that are obese or morbidly obese and how many have diabetes as a co-morbidity. More than a ticking timebomb and something that will stretch the NHS in the next few years and beyond


Please don’t ask to see my tatts 👍
Dec 12, 2013
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A small story.

many years ago I worked in the medical centre at the pit. I developed food allergies. Something I have now grown out of. It turned out that one of the things I was allergic to was lactose or dairy products. anyway one day I ended up seeing a specialist. He went through my diet and showed me a book called E for numbers. It was a book that showed you what each particular E number was. But more importantly why it was used in the food and drink industry. He flicked through the book and I caught sight of one E number names. I asked him to find it again.The name was “ compound Benzoic Acid”. I asked him what it was used for. At that time it was predominantly used in the brewing industry, and still it. The Acid is used to kill any fungus that may grow in yeast ( an anti fungal). He asked me why. I told him we use it in the medical centre as a treatment for severe athletes foots, sponge foot, trench foot. It literally burns the skin off your feet.
Bottom line, what they use to treat your athletes feet, they use in the food and drink industry. Do we really know or care what crap we shovel down our throats. I would like to think that some do.

Deleted member 16999

It's easy, cos it's what happens...
To summarise "After adjusting for confounders, overweight and/or obesity in students of both genders was found to be significantly associated with parental overweight and/or obesity"
The question is if course, what's to be done. It's interesting to compare public health policy in this area to another which will probably cause far fewer quantity life years to be lost.
A study of kids in Iran, not too sure how they’d compare with UK kids for diet etc and access to fast food.

Not denying some parents of obese kids will be obese, but no link to them being lazy and stopping at the parents proves nothing.

This issue has risen over the last 50-60yrs and these lazy obese parents got their attitude to health and healthy eating from someone else.